Image Generator ================ This tool will generate images. Examples --------- * This will make an image using coordinates 0..150 with a genome of type 0 (no hidden neurons), saving the genome file. .. code-block:: bash ImageGenerator -G 0 -C -f gimage1.png -res 150 150 -sg gimage1.json * This will reproduce gimage1.json and gimage2.json to make an image(using coordinates) and a new genome gimage12.json(this is the offspring of gimage1 and gimage2). .. code-block:: bash ImageGenerator -g r gimage1.json gimage2.json -C -f gimage12.png -sg gimage12.json -res 150 150 * This will make an image using coordinates with a feedforward neural network with a hidden layer of 25 neurons. .. code-block:: bash ImageGenerator -N 1 1 25 -C -f nimage2.png -res 150 150 -s nimage2.json Tool help ---------- .. code-block:: bash ImageGenerator [options] -g, --genome [m|r] [ with r] load a genome json file With m will mutate the genome. With r will combine two genomes, without m or r will load the genome. -G, --genome-type will generate a genome of the type specified types: 0. Without hidden neurons 1. With hidden neurons. -n, --neuralnetwork [g] load a neural network json file. if g is specified will make a genome from this network. -N, --neuralnetwork-type will generate a random neural network of the type specified types: 0. CPPN 1. FeedForward 2. Elman Network -c, --color will use color as input for the neural network (can be used with -C) -C, --coords will use coordinates as input for the neural network (can be used with -c) -bw the output image is black and white. -s, --save will save the neural network generated. -sg, --save-genome will save the genome generated. -f, --file-output image that will output. -res, --resolution will create a image of that resolution(ignored if --image is specified). --image load a image and generate another. -r, --repeat It will generate the image again.(use it for recurrent nn) -h, --help help menu (This)