namespace EvoAI#
template<class T>
inline void hashCombine(std::size_t &seed, const T &v) noexcept# Combines two hashes.
- Template Parameters:
T – number type
- Parameters:
seed – std::size_t&
v – const T& hasheable Object
template<typename ...Args>
inline constexpr std::size_t joinHashes(std::size_t seed, const Args&... args) noexcept# joins hashes
auto seed = 42u; auto hash = EvoAI::joinHashes(seed, 1,2,3,4,5);
- Template Parameters:
...Args – seq of numbers(same type)
- Parameters:
seed – [in] to use
args – [in] number seq
- Returns:
std::size_t hash
template<typename T = float>
inline constexpr T normalize(const T &val, const T &normMin, const T &normMax, const T &min, const T &max) noexcept# normalize values from one range to another
- Template Parameters:
number – type
- Parameters:
val – T
normMin – T
normMax – T
min – T
max – T
- Returns:
template<typename T = float>
inline constexpr T stableNormalize(const T &val, const T &min, const T &max) noexcept# normalize values from one range to another
- Template Parameters:
number – type
- Parameters:
val – T
min – T
max – T
- Returns:
template<typename T>
inline constexpr T distanceManhattan(const T &x1, const T &y1, const T &x2, const T &y2) noexcept# Calculates the distance using Manhattan between x1,y1 and x2, y2.
- Parameters:
x1 – const T&
y1 – const T&
x2 – const T&
y2 – const T&
- Returns:
template<typename T>
inline constexpr T distanceChebyshev(const T &x1, const T &y1, const T &x2, const T &y2) noexcept# Calculates the distance using Chebyshev between x1,y1 and x2, y2.
- Parameters:
x1 – const T&
y1 – const T&
x2 – const T&
y2 – const T&
- Returns:
template<typename T>
inline constexpr T distanceEuclidean(const T &x1, const T &y1, const T &x2, const T &y2) noexcept# Calculates the distance using Euclidean between x1,y1 and x2, y2.
- Parameters:
x1 – const T&
y1 – const T&
x2 – const T&
y2 – const T&
- Returns:
template<typename T>
inline constexpr T distanceCenter(const T &x, const T &y, const T &width, const T &height) noexcept# Calculates the distance to Center.
- Parameters:
x – const T&
y – const T&
width – const T&
height – const T&
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API std::unique_ptr< NeuralNetwork > createFeedForwardNN (const size_t &numInputs, const size_t &numHidden, const std::vector< size_t > &numNeuronsPerHidden, std::size_t numOutputs, double bias)
Creates a FeedForward Neural Network. weight init default Xavier uniform.
- Parameters:
numInputs –
numHidden –
numNeuronsPerHidden –
numOutputs –
bias –
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API std::unique_ptr< NeuralNetwork > createElmanNeuralNetwork (std::size_t numInputs, std::size_t numHidden, const std::vector< std::size_t > &numNeuronsPerHiddenLayer, std::size_t numOutputs, double bias)
Creates an Elman Neural Network.
This will create a Neural Network with a context layer per every hidden layer.
- Parameters:
numInputs – number of inputs
numHidden – number of hidden layers
numNeuronsPerHiddenLayer – number of neurons per hidden layer
numOutputs – number of outputs
bias – bias
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API std::unique_ptr< NeuralNetwork > createFullyConnectedCPPN (std::size_t numInputs, std::size_t numHidden, const std::vector< std::size_t > &numNeuronsPerHiddenLayer, std::size_t numOutputs, double bias)
Creates a fully connected CPPN with random activations functions. weight init default Xavier uniform.
- Parameters:
numInputs – number of inputs
numHidden – number of hidden layers
numNeuronsPerHiddenLayer – number of neurons per hidden layer
numOutputs – number of outputs
bias – bias
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API std::unique_ptr< NeuralNetwork > createCPPN (std::size_t numInputs, std::size_t numHidden, const std::vector< std::size_t > &numNeuronsPerHiddenLayer, std::size_t numOutputs, double bias)
Creates a CPPN with random activations functions and some random connections.
- Parameters:
numInputs – number of inputs
numHidden – number of hidden layers
numNeuronsPerHiddenLayer – number of neurons per hidden layer
numOutputs – number of outputs
bias – bias
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API void UniformInit (NeuralNetwork &nn) noexcept
Uniform initialization uses randomGen().random(-1.0, 1.0, layerSize)
- Parameters:
nn – NeuralNetwork&
- EvoAI_API void LeCunInit (NeuralNetwork &nn) noexcept
LeCun initialization uniform distribution.
- Parameters:
nn – NeuralNetwork&
- EvoAI_API void LeCunInitNormal (NeuralNetwork &nn) noexcept
LeCun initialization normal distribution.
- Parameters:
nn – NeuralNetwork&
- EvoAI_API void HeInit (NeuralNetwork &nn) noexcept
He initialization uniform distribution.
- Parameters:
nn – NeuralNetwork&
- EvoAI_API void HeInitNormal (NeuralNetwork &nn) noexcept
He initialization normal distribution.
- Parameters:
nn – NeuralNetwork&
- EvoAI_API void XavierInit (NeuralNetwork &nn) noexcept
Xavier initialization uniform distribution.
- Parameters:
nn – NeuralNetwork&
- EvoAI_API void XavierInitNormal (NeuralNetwork &nn) noexcept
Xavier initialization normal distribution.
- Parameters:
nn – NeuralNetwork&
- EvoAI_API void writeMultiPlot (std::string_view filename, const std::vector< std::string > &legend, const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &data) noexcept
write data to a file to render with tools/
- Parameters:
filename – std::string_view filename to save info into.
legend – std::vector<std::string> legend for the plots
data – std::vector<std::vector<double>> data for the plot
- EvoAI_API std::size_t Argmax (const std::vector< double > &outputs) noexcept
gives the index of maximum value
- Parameters:
outputs – const std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::size index of maximum value
- EvoAI_API std::size_t Argmax (NeuronLayer &outputs) noexcept
gives the index of maximum value
- Parameters:
outputs – NeuronLayer&
- Returns:
std::size_t index of maximum value
template<typename Iterator>
std::size_t Argmax(Iterator begin, Iterator end) noexcept# gives the index of maximum value of given range (0 to size()-1)
- Template Parameters:
Interator –
- Parameters:
begin – Interator
end – Interator
- Returns:
std::size_t index of maximum value in given range.
template<typename Iterator, typename Fn>
std::size_t Argmax(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Fn &&fn) noexcept# gives the index of maximum value of given range (0 to size()-1) using Fn as comparator.
- Template Parameters:
Iterator –
Fn – Comparator
- Parameters:
begin – Iterator
end – Iterator
fn – Fn
- Returns:
std::size_t index of maximum value in given range
- EvoAI_API RandomGenerator & randomGen () noexcept
template<typename Fn, typename ...Args>
auto TimeThis(Fn &&fn, const Args&... args) noexcept# calculates time it takes Fn in milliseconds
- Template Parameters:
Fn – funtion to evaluate
Args – args for funtion
- Parameters:
fn – function to measure
args – args for function
- Returns:
template<typename Fn>
auto TimeThis(Fn &&fn) noexcept# calculates time it takes Fn in milliseconds
- Template Parameters:
Fn – funtion to evaluate
- Parameters:
fn – function to measure
- Returns:
double milliseconds
template<typename ...Jsons>
JsonBox::Value makeJsonFrom(const std::array<std::string, sizeof...(Jsons)> &names, const Jsons&... jsons) noexcept# creates a json object from each Jsons::toJson() to the given names.
Jsons should have implemented ::toJson() const noexcept;
// class to serialize auto ffnn = EvoAI::createFeedForwardNN(2,3,{1,5,3},2, 1.0); // convert ffnn to json into key "ffnn" and EvoAI::Scaler<double> to "sc" auto v = EvoAI::makeJsonFrom({"ffnn","sc"},*ffnn,EvoAI::Scaler<double>()); // write to file v.writeToFile("ffnnAndSCTest.json");
- Template Parameters:
Jsons... –
- Parameters:
names – std::array<std::String,sizeof…(Jsons)>
jsons – objects to call ::toJson()
- Returns:
template<typename ...Jsons>
std::tuple<Jsons...> loadJsonFrom(const std::string &filename, const std::array<std::string, sizeof...(Jsons)> &names) noexcept# returns a std::tuple with the deserialized classes from the json.
Jsons should have implemented a Jsons::Jsons(JsonBox::Object) constructor.
// read from a json filename and deserialize into ffNN and sc auto [ffNN, sc] = EvoAI::loadJsonFrom<NeuralNetwork,Scaler<double>>("ffnnAndSCTest.json", {"ffnn", "sc"});
- Parameters:
filename – std::string
names – std::array<std::string,sizeof…(Jsons)>
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > readCSVFile (std::istream &istr, char delimiter=',')
simple csv file parser it will read the file and returns a std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>
- Parameters:
istr – std::istream&
delimiter – char& defaulted to comma
- Returns:
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> with the csv data.
- EvoAI_API void writeCSVFile (const std::vector< std::vector< std::string >> &csvData, std::ostream &ostr, char delimiter=',')
writes a csv file.
- Parameters:
csvData – const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>&
ostr – std::ostream&
delimiter – char
static constexpr double PI = 3.14159265358979323846#
class Link#
- #include <Connection.hpp>
A simple link defining a source point layer, neuron.
- Author
Cristian Glez
class Connection#
- #include <Connection.hpp>
A Connection used to connect neurons from different layers.
- Author
Cristian Glez
Public Functions
default Constructor
Connection(JsonBox::Object o)#
Constructor json object.
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object&
inline bool isRecurrent() const noexcept#
check if is a recurrent connection
- Returns:
Connection &setSrc(const Link &l)#
setter for src
- Parameters:
l – Link&
- Returns:
Connection &setDest(const Link &l)#
setter for dest
- Parameters:
l – Link&
- Returns:
inline const bool &isVisited() const noexcept#
checks if this connection has been visited.
- Returns:
Connection &setVisited(bool b)#
setter for visited
- Parameters:
b –
- Returns:
inline double getWeight() const noexcept#
getter for weight
- Returns:
Connection &setWeight(double w)#
setter for Weight
- Parameters:
w – Weight
- Returns:
Connection &setCycles(int c)#
setter for cycles
- Parameters:
c – cycles
- Returns:
inline int getCycles() const noexcept#
getter for cycles
- Returns:
std::string toString() const noexcept#
returns a string with the info of the connection.
- Returns:
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts the Connection to JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
bool operator==(const Connection &rhs) const#
compare connections
- Parameters:
rhs –
Connection &setGradient(double grad) noexcept#
setter for gradient
- Parameters:
grad –
- Returns:
Connection &addGradient(double val) noexcept#
adds the val to gradients
- Parameters:
val –
- Returns:
inline double getGradient() const noexcept#
getter for gradients
- Returns:
void reset()#
resets the connection, visited, and gradient.
Connection &setFrozen(bool frzen) noexcept#
setter for frozen, set true to not change the weight
- Parameters:
frzen – bool
- Returns:
inline bool isFrozen() const noexcept#
getter for frozen
- Returns:
class ConnectionGene#
- #include <ConnectionGene.hpp>
ConnectionGene for the NEAT algorithm.
- Author
Cristian Glez
Public Functions
ConnectionGene(const ConnectionGene &rhs) noexcept#
copy constructor
- Parameters:
rhs – const ConnectionGene&
ConnectionGene(ConnectionGene &&rhs) noexcept#
move constructor
- Parameters:
rhs – ConnectionGene&&
void operator=(const ConnectionGene &rhs) noexcept#
void operator=(ConnectionGene &&rhs) noexcept#
constexpr bool operator<(const ConnectionGene &rhs) const noexcept#
constexpr bool operator>(const ConnectionGene &rhs) const noexcept#
ConnectionGene(JsonBox::Object o)#
Constructor with json object.
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object&
bool isEnabled() const noexcept#
returns if is enabled
- Returns:
void setEnabled(bool en) noexcept#
setter for enabled
- Parameters:
en –
std::string toString(const std::string &delimiter = " ") const noexcept#
returns a std::string
- Returns:
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
returns a json of the connectionGene
- Returns:
void addWeight(double amount) noexcept#
adds the amount to the current weight.
- Parameters:
amount –
void setWeight(double w) noexcept#
setter for weight
- Parameters:
w –
double getWeight() const noexcept#
getter for weight
- Returns:
const Connection &getConnection() const noexcept#
getter for connection
- Returns:
void setFrozen(bool frzen) noexcept#
setter for frozen set true to not change the weight
- Parameters:
frzen –
bool isFrozen() const noexcept#
getter for frozen
- Returns:
std::size_t getInnovationID() const noexcept#
getter for innovationID
- Returns:
bool operator==(const ConnectionGene &rhs) const#
bool operator!=(const ConnectionGene &rhs) const#
~ConnectionGene() = default#
inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const EvoAI::ConnectionGene &cg) noexcept#
template<class Dataset>
class DataLoader# - #include <DataLoader.hpp>
Dataloader to process Dataset.
Dataset needs to fulfill these requirements:
const std::pair<std::vector<double>&, std::vector<double>&> operator()() noexcept;
std::size_t size() const noexcept;
std::size_t getBatchSize() const noexcept;
void shuffle() noexcept;
EvoAI::DataLoader trainingDataset(EvoAI::Dataset(std::move(inputs), std::move(outputs), batchSize));
- Template Parameters:
Dataset –
Public Functions
DataLoader(Dataset &&ds, bool randomize = true)#
- Parameters:
ds – Dataset
randomize – bool
std::pair<std::vector<double>&, std::vector<double>&> operator()() noexcept#
next sample
- Returns:
std::pair<std::vector<double>&, std::vector<double>&>
std::size_t size() noexcept#
size of (samples + batchSize - 1) / batchSize
- Returns:
std::size_t getBatchSize() noexcept#
gets batchSize
- Returns:
void shuffle() noexcept#
shuffle the samples
class Dataset#
- #include <DataSet.hpp>
EvoAI::Dataset dataset(std::move(inputs), std::move(outputs), batchSize);
Public Types
using TrainingFormat = std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>>>#
expected input and target type
Public Functions
Dataset(std::size_t batchSize) noexcept#
constructor for empty dataset.
You will need to add samples with Dataset::add before using it.
- Parameters:
batchSize –
Dataset(TrainingFormat &&data, std::size_t batchSize) noexcept#
- Parameters:
data – Dataset::TrainingFormat
batchSize – std::size_t
Dataset(std::vector<std::vector<double>> &&inputs, std::vector<std::vector<double>> &&targets, std::size_t batchSize) noexcept#
- Parameters:
inputs – std::vector<std::vector<double>>&&
targets – std::vector<std::vector<double>>&&
batchSize – std::size_t
const std::pair<std::vector<double>&, std::vector<double>&> operator()() noexcept#
next sample
- Returns:
const std::pair<std::vector<double>&, std::vector<double>&>
void add(std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>> &&sample) noexcept#
add sample to dataset.
- Parameters:
sample – std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>>&&
std::size_t size() const noexcept#
size of (samples + batchSize - 1) / batchSize
- Returns:
std::size_t getBatchSize() const noexcept#
get BatchSize
- Returns:
void shuffle() noexcept#
method to shuffle the samples after the epoch
using TrainingFormat = std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>>>#
template<typename T>
class EvoVector# - #include <EvoVector.hpp>
Simple class representing a Evolvable Vector.
- Template Parameters:
T –
Public Types
Public Functions
explicit EvoVector(std::size_t size) noexcept#
- Parameters:
size – std::size_t
template<typename Generator>
explicit EvoVector(std::size_t size, Generator &&fn) noexcept# constructor with generator fn
- Parameters:
size – std::size_t
fn – Generator&&
EvoVector(JsonBox::Object o) noexcept#
constructor JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts to json
- Returns:
value_type *data() noexcept#
pointer to internal
- Returns:
inline void setSpeciesID(std::size_t spcID) noexcept#
setter for species ID
- Parameters:
spcID – species id
inline void setFitness(double fit) noexcept#
sets the fitness
- Parameters:
fit – double
inline void addFitness(double amount) noexcept#
adds the amount to the current fitness.
- Parameters:
amount – double
inline double getFitness() const noexcept#
gets the fitness
- Returns:
inline std::size_t getSpeciesID() const noexcept#
returns the species id.
- Returns:
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept#
returns size
- Returns:
inline const_reference operator[](int index) const noexcept#
inline const_iterator begin() const noexcept#
inline const_iterator end() const noexcept#
Public Static Functions
class Genome#
- #include <Genome.hpp>
A genome is a description of a EvoAI::NeuralNetwork.
- Author
Cristian Gonzalez
Public Types
using matchingConnectionGenes = std::pair<Range<ConnectionGene>, Range<ConnectionGene>>#
using matchingChromosomes = std::pair<matchingNodeGenes, matchingConnectionGenes>#
using excessConnectionGenes = std::pair<Range<ConnectionGene>, Range<ConnectionGene>>#
using excessGenes = std::pair<excessNodeGenes, excessConnectionGenes>#
using disjointConnectionGenes = std::pair<Range<ConnectionGene>, Range<ConnectionGene>>#
using disjointGenes = std::pair<disjointNodeGenes, disjointConnectionGenes>#
Public Functions
Genome(std::size_t numInputs, std::size_t numOutputs, bool canBeRecursive = false, bool CPPN = false) noexcept#
builds a Genome that is feedforward connected from inputs to outputs.
- Parameters:
numInputs –
numOutputs –
canBeRecursive –
CPPN – with this true the genome will have random activation functions and will be able to change activations with Genome::mutate
Genome(std::size_t numInputs, std::size_t numHidden, std::size_t numOutputs, bool canBeRecursive = false, bool CPPN = false) noexcept#
builds a Genome that is feedforward connected from inputs to hidden to outputs.
- Parameters:
numInputs – std::size_t
numHidden – std::size_t
numOutputs – std::size_t
canBeRecursive – bool
CPPN – bool with this true the genome will have random activations and will be able to change activations with Genome::mutate
Genome(const std::string &jsonfile)#
loads a Genome from a jsonfile previously saved with Genome::writeToFile
- Parameters:
jsonfile – std::string&
void addGene(const ConnectionGene &cg) noexcept#
adds a ConnectionGene
- Parameters:
cg – ConnectionGene
void setNodeChromosomes(std::vector<NodeGene> &&ngenes) noexcept#
setter for the NodeGene.
- Parameters:
ngenes – std::vector<NodeGene>&&
std::vector<NodeGene> &getNodeChromosomes() noexcept#
getter for NodeGenes
- Returns:
const std::vector<NodeGene> &getNodeChromosomes() const noexcept#
const getter for NodeGenes
- Returns:
const std::vector<NodeGene>&
void setConnectionChromosomes(std::vector<ConnectionGene> &&cgenes) noexcept#
setter for the ConnectionGene
- Parameters:
cgenes – std::vector<ConnectionGene>&&
std::vector<ConnectionGene> &getConnectionChromosomes() noexcept#
getter for the connectionGenes
- Returns:
const std::vector<ConnectionGene> &getConnectionChromosomes() const noexcept#
const getter for the connectionGenes
- Returns:
const std::vector<ConnectionGene>&
std::size_t getNumOfNodes(std::size_t layerID) const noexcept#
gets the number of nodes from a layer.
- Parameters:
layerID – std::size_t count the nodes from that layer.
- Returns:
std::size_t number of nodes
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
returns a Json value with the information of the genome.
- Returns:
void writeToFile(const std::string &filename) const noexcept#
writes the genome to a json file.
EvoAI::Genome g(jsonfile);
- Parameters:
filename – std::string file to write
void setFitness(double fit) noexcept#
sets the genome fitness
- Parameters:
fit – double
void addFitness(double amount) noexcept#
adds the amount to the current fitness.
- Parameters:
amount – double
double getFitness() const noexcept#
gets the fitness
- Returns:
bool hasNodeGene(const NodeGene &ng) const noexcept#
Checks if it has the NodeGene.
- Parameters:
ng – NodeGene
- Returns:
bool hasConnectionGene(const ConnectionGene &cg) const noexcept#
Checks if it has the ConnectionGene.
- Parameters:
cg – ConnectionGene
- Returns:
bool true if it has the connection gene.
void setID(std::size_t gnmID) noexcept#
sets the genome id
- Parameters:
gnmID – std::size_t
std::size_t getID() const noexcept#
gets the genome id
- Returns:
void setSpeciesID(std::size_t spcID) noexcept#
setter for species ID
- Parameters:
spcID – species id
std::size_t getSpeciesID() const noexcept#
returns the species id.
- Returns:
void setCppn(bool isCppn) noexcept#
setter for cppn
- Parameters:
isCppn – bool
bool isCppn() const noexcept#
returns true if is a CPPN
- Returns:
inline void setRecurrentAllowed(bool isRecurrentAllowed) noexcept#
setter to change RecurrentAllowed
- Parameters:
isRecurrentAllowed – bool
inline bool isRecurrentAllowed() const noexcept#
returns true if it allows to have recurrent connections.
- Returns:
void mutateAddNode() noexcept#
Adds a node and random connection and slices the connection adding the node in between.
void mutateAddConnection() noexcept#
Adds a random connection between two nodeGenes.
void mutateRemoveConnection() noexcept#
Removes a random connection between two nodeGenes.
void mutateWeights(double power) noexcept#
mutates the weights of a NodeGene or ConnectionGene.
- Parameters:
power –
void mutateDisable() noexcept#
selects a random connectionGene that is enabled and disables it
void mutateEnable() noexcept#
selects a random connectionGene that is not enabled and enables it.
void mutateActivationType() noexcept#
selects a random nodeGene and changes it activation function.
void mutate(float nodeRate = 0.2, float addConnRate = 0.3, float removeConnRate = 0.2, float perturbWeightsRate = 0.6, float enableRate = 0.35, float disableRate = 0.3, float actTypeRate = 0.4) noexcept#
mutates the genome only once depending on rates, the first activated is the only thing mutating. Rates from 0.0 to 1.0
- Parameters:
nodeRate – float
addConnRate – float
removeConnRate – float
perturbWeightsRate – float
enableRate – float
disableRate – float
actTypeRate – float
bool isValid() noexcept#
Checks if the genome is valid.
- Returns:
bool true if all is ok
~Genome() = default#
Public Static Functions
static Neuron::ActivationType getRandomActivationType() noexcept#
returns a random ActivationType.
- Returns:
static double distance(const Genome &g1, const Genome &g2, double c1 = 2.0, double c2 = 2.0, double c3 = 1.0) noexcept#
Calculates the distance between two genomes.
static matchingNodeGenes getMatchingNodeGenes(const Genome &g1, const Genome &g2) noexcept#
It returns a matchingNodeGenes of matching NodeGenes between g1 and g2.
static matchingConnectionGenes getMatchingConnectionGenes(const Genome &g1, const Genome &g2) noexcept#
It returns a MatchingConnectionGenes of matching ConnectionGenes between g1 and g2.
static matchingChromosomes getMatchingChromosomes(const Genome &g1, const Genome &g2) noexcept#
It returns a matchingChromosomes of matching NodeGene, ConnectionGene between g1 and g2.
static excessGenes getExcessGenes(const Genome &g1, const Genome &g2, disjointGenes *hint = nullptr) noexcept#
It returns the excessGenes between g1 and g2.
static disjointGenes getDisjointGenes(const Genome &g1, const Genome &g2, matchingChromosomes *hint = nullptr) noexcept#
It returns the disjointGenes between g1 and g2.
static Genome reproduce(const Genome &g1, const Genome &g2) noexcept#
Creates a new Genome from two parents, inheriting CPPN and RecurrentAllowed from any of the parents that is true. if g1 and g2 are equal it will copy g1.
static NeuralNetwork makePhenotype(const Genome &g) noexcept#
Creates a NeuralNetwork from a Genome.
- Parameters:
g – Genome
- Returns:
static Genome makeGenome(NeuralNetwork &nn) noexcept#
Creates a genome from a neural network, it will not be exactly the same if the network wasn’t made from a genome.
- Parameters:
nn – NeuralNetwork
- Returns:
class SubstrateInfo#
- #include <HyperNeat.hpp>
A simple struct describing the number of inputs, hidden layers and neurons and the number of outputs for the substrate.
- Author
Cristian Glez
Public Functions
default Constructor
SubstrateInfo(std::size_t nInputs, std::size_t nHiddenLayers, const std::vector<std::size_t> &nHiddenNeurons, std::size_t nOutputs, double LEO = 0.5, double minMaxWeight = 8.0, double Bias = 1.0)#
Constructor with all the info.
- Parameters:
nInputs – std::size_t number of inputs
nHiddenLayers – std::size_t number of hidden layers
nHiddenNeurons – const std::vector<std::size_t>& numbers of hidden neurons in each hidden layer
nOutputs – std::size_t number of outputs
LEO – double leo min to set connection or not
minMaxWeight – double min and max weight
Bias – double bias for the network
SubstrateInfo(JsonBox::Object o)#
Constructor to load a JsonBox::Object.
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
returns a JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
~SubstrateInfo() = default#
class HyperNeat#
- #include <HyperNeat.hpp>
A HyperNeat is a Neural Network thats generates from a cppn.
- Author
Cristian Glez
Public Types
Public Functions
HyperNeat(JsonBox::Object o)#
constructor for a JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
HyperNeat(const std::string &filename)#
constructor that loads a file wrote with HyperNeat::writeToFile
- Parameters:
filename – const std::string&
HyperNeat(const SubstrateInfo &si, Genome &g, SubstrateConfiguration sc)#
constructs a HyperNeat from the genome specicied, It copies the genome.
- Parameters:
si – const SubstrateInfo information about the substrate
g – Genome& the genome
sc – SubstrateConfiguration
HyperNeat(const SubstrateInfo &si, SubstrateConfiguration sc = SubstrateConfiguration::GRID)#
constructs a HyperNeat, makes the genome.
- Parameters:
si – const SubstrateInfo information about the substrate
sc – SubstrateConfiguration
void setNumInputs(std::size_t num) noexcept#
setter for numInputs
- Parameters:
num – std::size_t
std::size_t getNumInputs() const noexcept#
getter for the numInputs
- Returns:
void setNumHiddenLayers(std::size_t num) noexcept#
setter for numHiddenLayers
- Parameters:
num – std::size_t
std::size_t getNumHiddenLayers() const noexcept#
getter for the numHiddenLayers
- Returns:
void setNumHiddenNeurons(const std::vector<std::size_t> &num) noexcept#
setter for numHiddenNeurons
- Parameters:
num – const std::vector<std::size_t>&
const std::vector<std::size_t> &getNumHiddenNeurons() const noexcept#
getter for the numHiddenNeurons
- Returns:
const std::vector<std::size_t>&
void setNumOutputs(std::size_t num) noexcept#
setter for numOutputs
- Parameters:
num – std::size_t
std::size_t getNumOutputs() const noexcept#
getter for the numOutputs.
- Returns:
void setSubstrate(NeuralNetwork &&subst) noexcept#
This assumes that subst is a valid substrate for this HyperNeat.
this can be used when the substrate has been trained using backward but is recommended to use it directly.
substrate will be made again if changed by calling a invalidating method.
- Parameters:
subst – NeuralNetwork&&
NeuralNetwork &getSubstrate() noexcept#
getter for the substrate
- Returns:
void makeSubstrate() noexcept#
makes the substrate if is not in invalid state. call this after the setters.
void setInputs(std::vector<double> &&inputs)#
sets the inputs for the substrate.
- Parameters:
inputs – std::vector<double>&&
void setInputs(const std::vector<double> &ins) noexcept#
sets the inputs returns true if succeeded, false if it failed.
- Parameters:
ins – const std::vector<double>&
std::vector<double> run() noexcept#
runs the substrate
- Returns:
std::vector<double> forward(const std::vector<double> &input) noexcept#
calls setsInput and calls run
- Parameters:
input – const std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
const std::vector<double>&
std::vector<double> forward(std::vector<double> &&input) noexcept#
calls setsInput and calls run
- Parameters:
input – std::vector<double>&&
- Returns:
void backward(std::vector<double> &&gradientLoss) noexcept#
calculates the gradients for the network.
It needs to be called before calling reset as the outputs and gradients would be 0.0
// ... auto outputs = nn.forward({...}); nn.backward(lossFn{}.backward(...)); optim.step(epoch); nn.reset() // it will reset the network
- Parameters:
gradientLoss – std::vector<double>&&
void reset() noexcept#
resets the calculations done in substrate
void mutate(float nodeRate = 0.2, float addConnRate = 0.3, float removeConnRate = 0.2, float perturbWeightsRate = 0.6, float enableRate = 0.35, float disableRate = 0.3, float actTypeRate = 0.4) noexcept#
mutates the genome, rates from 0.0 to 1.0
- Parameters:
nodeRate – float
addConnRate – float
removeConnRate – float
perturbWeightsRate – float
enableRate – float
disableRate – float
actTypeRate – float
void setFitness(double fitness) noexcept#
setter for fitness
- Parameters:
fitness – double
double getFitness() const noexcept#
getter for fitness
- Returns:
void setActivationType(std::size_t layer, Neuron::ActivationType at) noexcept#
changes the activation type for an entire layer in the substrate.
- Parameters:
layer – std::size_t
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
returns a JsonBox::Value that’s the HyperNeat.
- Returns:
void writeToFile(const std::string &filename) const noexcept#
writes the HyperNeat object to a file.
- Parameters:
filename – const std::string&
bool writeDotFile(const std::string &filename) noexcept#
writes a dot file for graphviz dot program.
- Parameters:
filename –
- Returns:
~HyperNeat() = default#
Public Static Functions
static std::string SubstrateConfigurationToString(SubstrateConfiguration sc) noexcept#
enum to string
- Parameters:
- Returns:
static SubstrateConfiguration SubstrateConfigurationToEnum(const std::string &sc) noexcept#
string to enum
- Parameters:
- Returns:
class NeuralNetwork#
- #include <NeuralNetwork.hpp>
- Author
Cristian Glez
- Date
Public Types
using trainingFormat = std::vector<std::vector<double>>#
Public Functions
default constructor
NeuralNetwork(std::size_t numInputs, std::size_t numHiddenLayers, const std::vector<std::size_t> &numNeuronsPerHiddenLayer, std::size_t numOutputs, double bias)#
This will build the basic structure without connections.
- Parameters:
numInputs – std::size_t Inputs that the nn will take.
numHiddenLayers – std::size_t Hidden layers that will be created.
numNeuronsPerHiddenLayer – const std::vector<std::size_t>& neurons per hidden layer
numOutputs – std::size_t number of outputs
bias – double bias for the neural network, it will put the same for every layer.
NeuralNetwork(JsonBox::Object o)#
Constructor for a json object.
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
NeuralNetwork(const std::string &filename)#
Load the NN from a json file.
- Parameters:
filename –
NeuralNetwork &addLayer(const NeuronLayer &l)#
adds a layer to the neural network
- Parameters:
l – const NeuronLayer&
- Returns:
bool removeLayer(const NeuronLayer &l)#
Removes a layer.
- Parameters:
l – const NeuronLayer&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> run()#
Process the NeuralNetwork.
- Returns:
std::vector<double> forward(const std::vector<double> &input) noexcept#
calls setsInput and calls run
- Parameters:
input – const std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
const std::vector<double>&
std::vector<double> forward(std::vector<double> &&input) noexcept#
calls setsInput and calls run
- Parameters:
input – std::vector<double>&&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(std::vector<double> &&gradientLoss) noexcept#
calculates the gradients for the network.
It needs to be called before calling reset as the outputs and gradients would be 0.0
// ... auto outputs = nn.forward({...}); nn.backward(lossFn{}.backward(...)); optim.step(epoch); nn.reset() // it will reset the network
- Parameters:
gradientLoss – std::vector<double>&&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients of layer[0]
template<typename Optim, typename LossAlgo, class Dataset, typename TestFn>
inline std::vector<std::vector<double>> train(DataLoader<Dataset> &trainingDataset, DataLoader<Dataset> &testDataset, Optim &optim, std::size_t epoch, LossAlgo &&lossAlgo, TestFn &&testFn)# method to train the neural network.
The test function should be std::pair<double aka avgTest, double aka accuracy> testFn(NeuralNetwork&, DataLoader<Dataset>) noexcept;
- Template Parameters:
Optim – configured Optimizer
LossAlgo – the loss function to use
Dataset – dataset for training and testing
TestFn – test function
- Parameters:
trainingDataset – DataLoader<Dataset>&
testDataset – DataLoader<Dataset>&
optim – Optimizer<Algo, SchedulerAlgo> Optimizer to apply updates for each batch
epoch – epoches to do
lossAlgo – LossAlgo
testFn – TestFn
- Returns:
average loss of epoch, avg loss of test and accuracy
NeuralNetwork &setLayers(std::vector<NeuronLayer> &&lys)#
Sets the neural network layers.
- Returns:
inline std::vector<NeuronLayer> &getLayers()#
returns the layers of the neural network.
- Returns:
NeuralNetwork &addNeuron(const Neuron &n, std::size_t layerIndex)#
adds a neuron to a specific layer
- Parameters:
n – const Neuron&
layerIndex – std::size_t
- Returns:
bool removeNeuron(Neuron *n)#
Removes a neuron and the connections it has.
- Parameters:
n – Neuron to remove
- Returns:
Link getIndex(Neuron *n) const#
gets the index of the layer and neuron from the neuron specified. Returns a link with -1,-1 for not found
- Parameters:
n –
- Returns:
bool setInputs(std::vector<double> &&ins) noexcept#
sets the inputs returns true if succeeded, false if it failed.
- Parameters:
ins – std::vector<double>&&
- Returns:
bool setInputs(const std::vector<double> &ins) noexcept#
sets the inputs returns true if succeeded, false if it failed.
- Parameters:
ins – const std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
NeuralNetwork &addConnection(const Connection &c)#
Adds a Connection.
- Parameters:
c – const Connection&
- Returns:
bool removeConnection(Connection &c)#
Removes a connection from the neural network.
- Parameters:
c – Connection&
- Returns:
true if removed successfully.
void removeConnectionsWithDest(const Link &dest)#
Removes Connections with dest.
- Parameters:
dest – Link
void removeConnectionsWithSrc(const Link &src)#
Removes Connections with src.
- Parameters:
src – Link&&
std::vector<Connection*> &getConnections()#
getter for the connections
- Returns:
std::vector<Connection*> getParameters() noexcept#
getter for the connections + biases
- Returns:
Connection *findConnection(Link &&src, Link &&dest)#
finds a connection returns nullptr if not found.
inline std::size_t size() const#
Returns how many layers it has.
- Returns:
void reset()#
resets the neurons that are not Neuron::Type::CONTEXT
void resetContext()#
resets the neurons that are Neuron::Type::CONTEXT
void resetConnections()#
resets the gradients of the connections
JsonBox::Value toJson() const#
Converts to a JsonBox::Value.
- Returns:
void writeToFile(const std::string &filename) const#
Writes the neural network json to a file.
- Parameters:
filename –
bool writeDotFile(const std::string &filename) noexcept#
writes a dot file for graphviz dot program.
- Parameters:
filename – const std::string&
- Returns:
void clear()#
clears the Neural Network.
inline double getLastAvgLoss() const noexcept#
gives the last Average Loss
- Returns:
double lastAvgLoss
inline const std::uint64_t &getGlobalStep() const noexcept#
gives the globalStep
- Returns:
const std::uint64_t globalStep
NeuronLayer &operator[](std::size_t index)#
direct access to layers and neurons
neuralnetwork[1][1].setBiasWeight(-0.3); // sets the biasWeight of layer 1 and neuron 1 neuralnetwork[3][0].getOutput(); // gets output of layer 3 and neuron 0
Does not check if index is out of range.
- Parameters:
index – std::size_t index layer
- Returns:
std::pair<Neuron&, Neuron&> operator[](Connection &conn) noexcept#
return src and dest of the connection
- Parameters:
conn – EvoAI::Connection&
auto& [src, dest] = nn[conn];
- Returns:
std::pair<Neuron&, Neuron&>
bool operator==(const NeuralNetwork &rhs) const#
compares two neural networks
- Parameters:
rhs –
~NeuralNetwork() = default#
class Neuron#
- #include <Neuron.hpp>
A basic neuron.
- Author
Cristian Glez
Public Types
enum Type#
Neuron::Type defines the type of a neuron. CONTEXT: makes the neuron remember outputs from other neurons HIDDEN: is a hidden neuron. INPUT: this neuron will take the values provided and just pass them along. OUTPUT: this neuron will hold the results.
enumerator CONTEXT#
enumerator HIDDEN#
enumerator INPUT#
enumerator OUTPUT#
enumerator CONTEXT#
enum ActivationType#
Type of activation that will be used for the neuron.
enumerator SINUSOID#
enumerator COSINE#
enumerator GAUSSIAN#
enumerator SIGMOID#
enumerator IDENTITY#
enumerator MODULUS#
enumerator SWISH#
enumerator TANH#
enumerator TAN#
enumerator RELU#
enumerator NOISY_RELU#
enumerator LEAKY_RELU#
enumerator EXPONENTIAL#
enumerator SQUARE#
enumerator CUBE#
enumerator SOFTPLUS#
enumerator CLAMP#
enumerator INV#
enumerator LOG#
enumerator ABS#
enumerator HAT#
enumerator SOFTMAX#
enumerator SINUSOID#
Public Functions
Default Constructor type defaults to Type::HIDDEN activationType defaults to ActivationType:
Neuron(JsonBox::Object o)#
Constructor for json object.
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
Neuron(Type t)#
Constructor that takes a Neuron::Type parameter.
- Parameters:
t – const Type&
Neuron &setType(Type t) noexcept#
Setter for Neuron::Type.
- Parameters:
t – Neuron::Type
- Returns:
inline Type getType() const noexcept#
getter for Neuron::Type
- Returns:
inline double getOutput() const noexcept#
getter for output
- Returns:
inline double getSum() const noexcept#
getter for sum
- Returns:
inline double getGradient() const noexcept#
getter for gradient
- Returns:
Neuron &setGradient(double gradient) noexcept#
gradient for backprop
- Parameters:
gradient – double
- Returns:
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
Returns a json value from the object.
- Returns:
JsonBox::Value json
std::string toString(const std::string &delimiter = ",") const noexcept#
Serialize the neuron info to string.
- Parameters:
delimiter – the thing thats between the values. example: “\n”, “\t” etc.
- Returns:
Neuron &addConnection(const Connection &c) noexcept#
Adds a Connection.
- Parameters:
c – const Connection&
- Returns:
bool removeConnection(const Connection &c)#
Removes a Connection.
- Parameters:
c – const Connection&
- Returns:
inline std::vector<Connection> &getConnections() noexcept#
Getter for Connections.
- Returns:
std::size_t size()#
returns how many connections it has.
- Returns:
Connection &operator[](std::size_t index)#
direct access to connections.
- Parameters:
index – const std::size_t index
- Returns:
inline Connection *getBiasPtr() noexcept#
get a ptr to the internal connection bias(for parameters)
- Returns:
inline double getBiasWeight() const noexcept#
Getter for the Bias Weight.
- Returns:
double biasWeight
Neuron &setBiasWeight(double bw) noexcept#
Setter for the bias Weight.
- Parameters:
bw – biasWeight
- Returns:
Neuron &setBiasGradient(double grad) noexcept#
setter for bias gradient
- Parameters:
grad –
- Returns:
inline double getBiasGradient() const noexcept#
getter for bias gradient
- Returns:
void clearConnections() noexcept#
Clears the neuron’s connections.
inline bool hasConnections() const noexcept#
returns true if has some connection.
- Returns:
inline ActivationType getActivationType() const noexcept#
Returns the type of activation that will be used to trigger this neuron.
- Returns:
Neuron &setActivationType(Neuron::ActivationType atype) noexcept#
setter for activation type
- Parameters:
atype – Neuron::ActivationType
- Returns:
~Neuron() = default#
Public Static Functions
static std::string typeToString(Neuron::Type t) noexcept#
returns Neuron::Type to String
- Parameters:
t –
- Returns:
static Type typeToEnum(const std::string &t) noexcept#
returns a string Neuron::Type
- Parameters:
t –
- Returns:
static std::string activationTypeToString(Neuron::ActivationType at) noexcept#
returns Neuron::ActivationType to String
- Parameters:
at –
- Returns:
static ActivationType activationTypeToEnum(const std::string &at) noexcept#
returns a string Neuron::ActivationType
- Parameters:
at –
- Returns:
class NeuronLayer#
- #include <NeuronLayer.hpp>
A neuron layer.
- Author
Cristian Glez
Public Functions
default contructor
NeuronLayer(std::size_t numNeurons, const Neuron::Type &t, double Bias)#
Constructor that will build the neurons with random bias weights.
- Parameters:
numNeurons – std::size_t
t – const Neuron::Type&
Bias – double
NeuronLayer(JsonBox::Object o)#
Constructor from json file.
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
NeuronLayer &setNeurons(std::vector<Neuron> &&ns)#
takes a neuron vector and steals it.
- Parameters:
ns – std::vector<Neuron>&&
- Returns:
std::size_t size() const#
gives the how many neurons it has.
NeuronLayer &setType(Neuron::Type t)#
setter for Neuron::Type will traverse each neuron and set the type to t
- Parameters:
t – Neuron::Type
- Returns:
inline const Neuron::Type &getType() const#
getter for Neuron::Type
- Returns:
NeuronLayer &setBias(double Bias)#
setter for bias
- Parameters:
Bias – double
- Returns:
inline double getBias() const#
getter for the bias
- Returns:
NeuronLayer &addNeuron(const Neuron &n)#
adds a neuron
- Parameters:
n – const Neuron&
- Returns:
bool removeNeuron(Neuron *n)#
Removes a Neuron from the layer This method should be called when there are no connections.
It does not remove connections if some other neuron has a connection to this neuron it won’t be removed and it will cause a segmentation fault, use NeuralNetwork::removeNeuron Instead.
- Parameters:
n – Neuron*
- Returns:
bool hasNeuron(Neuron *n)#
Checks if a neuron is from this layer.
- Parameters:
n – Neuron*
- Returns:
NeuronLayer &addConnection(const Connection &c)#
adds a Connection
Before adding a Connection you need to add the neurons.
- Parameters:
c – const Connection&
- Returns:
bool removeConnection(const Connection &c)#
removes a connection
the connection could be invalid.
- Parameters:
c – const Connection&
- Returns:
void reset()#
will reset the layer’s neurons.
void resetContext()#
will reset the layer’s neurons that are Neuron::Type::CONTEXT
inline Neuron::ActivationType getActivationType() const noexcept#
getter for the ActivationType
- Returns:
NeuronLayer &setActivationType(Neuron::ActivationType atype)#
setter for activation type It will traverse each neuron and set the ActivationType to atype.
- Parameters:
atype – Neuron::ActivationType
- Returns:
NeuronLayer &setCyclesLimit(int cycles)#
Sets how many cycles to reset the context neurons.
- Parameters:
cycles –
- Returns:
inline int getCyclesLimit() const noexcept#
getter for the cycles limit
- Returns:
JsonBox::Value toJson() const#
returns a JsonBox::Value with the current info.
- Returns:
Neuron &operator[](std::size_t index)#
Direct Access to Neurons.
Does not check if index is out of range
NeuronLayer[2].getOutput() // gets outputs of neuron 2
- Parameters:
index – std::size_t
- Returns:
const Neuron &operator[](std::size_t index) const#
Direct Access to Neurons.
- Parameters:
index – std::size_t
- Returns:
Neuron& const
bool operator==(const NeuronLayer &rhs) const#
compare layers
- Parameters:
rhs –
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward() const noexcept#
it will return gradients from its neurons.
// ... nn2.backward(lossFn.backward(...)); nn1.backward(nn2[0].backward()); // ...
It should be used after calling NeuralNetwork::backward to connect input layer to another NeuralNetwork.
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients
~NeuronLayer() = default#
class NodeGene#
- #include <NodeGene.hpp>
NodeGene for NEAT Algorithm.
- Author
Cristian Glez
Public Functions
NodeGene(std::size_t lyrID, std::size_t nrnID)#
Constructor Default Type = Neuron::Type::HIDDEN Default ActType = Neuron::ActivationType::SIGMOID.
- Parameters:
lyrID – std::size_t
nrnID – std::size_t
NodeGene(std::size_t lyrID, std::size_t nrnID, Neuron::Type nt, Neuron::ActivationType nat)#
- Parameters:
lyrID – std::size_t
nrnID – std::size_t
nt – Neuron::Type
nat – Neuron::ActivationType
NodeGene(JsonBox::Object o)#
Constructor with a json object.
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object&
std::string toString(std::string delimiter = " ") const noexcept#
convert NodeGene to a std::string
- Parameters:
delimiter – default “ “
- Returns:
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
returns a json of the nodeGene
- Returns:
std::size_t getLayerID() const noexcept#
getter for the layer id
- Returns:
std::size_t layer id
std::size_t getNeuronID() const noexcept#
getter for the neuron id
- Returns:
std::size_t neuron id
void setNeuronType(Neuron::Type t) noexcept#
sets a new Neuron::Type
- Parameters:
t – Neuron::Type
Neuron::Type getNeuronType() const noexcept#
getter for Neuron::Type
- Returns:
void setActType(Neuron::ActivationType at) noexcept#
sets a new Neuron::ActivationType
- Parameters:
Neuron::ActivationType getActType() const noexcept#
getter for Neuron::ActivationType
- Returns:
std::size_t getInnovationID() const noexcept#
getter for InnovationID
- Returns:
void addBias(double amount) noexcept#
adds the amount to current bias.
- Parameters:
amount –
void setBias(double bw) noexcept#
setter for the node bias.
- Parameters:
bw – bias weight
double getBias() const noexcept#
getter for bias
- Returns:
double bias
~NodeGene() = default#
struct Adam#
- #include <Adam.hpp>
Adam Optimization Algorithm.
- Todo:
impl parallelism for updating weights?
Public Functions
explicit Adam(std::vector<Connection*> &¶meters, bool maximize = false, double beta1 = 0.9, double beta2 = 0.999, double epsilon = 1e-8, bool accumGradients = false)#
- Parameters:
parameters – std::vector<Connection*>
maximize – bool
beta1 – double
beta2 – double
epsilon – double
accumGradients – bool if true it won’t average the gradients
Adam(JsonBox::Object o, std::vector<Connection*> &¶meters)#
constructor to load from a JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
parameters – std::vector<Connection*>
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts to JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
void operator()(double lr, std::size_t batchSize) noexcept#
update the weights
- Parameters:
lr – double learning rate
batchSize – double batch size
void zeroGrad() noexcept#
resets the gradients to 0.0.
~Adam() = default#
struct SGD#
- #include <SGD.hpp>
Stochastic Gradient Descend Algorithm.
- Todo:
impl parallelism for updating weights?
Public Functions
explicit SGD(std::vector<Connection*> &¶meters, double momentum = 0.0, bool nesterov = false, bool maximize = false, bool accumGradients = false)#
- Parameters:
parameters – std::vector<Connection*>
momentum – double
nesterov – bool
maximize – bool
accumGradients – bool if true it won’t average the gradients
SGD(JsonBox::Object o, std::vector<Connection*> &¶meters)#
constructor for JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
parameters – std::vector<Connection*>
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts to a JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
void operator()(double lr, std::size_t batchSize) noexcept#
updates the weights
- Parameters:
lr – learning rate
batchSize – batch size to average the gradients with.
void zeroGrad() noexcept#
resets the gradients to 0.0.
template<class Algo, class SchedulerAlgo>
class Optimizer# - #include <Optimizers.hpp>
Algo needs to fulfill these conditions:
Algo has a constructor Algo::Algo(JsonBox::Object, std::vector<Connection*>)
Algo has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() constnoexcept
Algo has a double operator()(double, std::size_t) const noexcept
Public Functions
Optimizer(double lr, std::size_t batchSize, const Algo &algo, const Scheduler<SchedulerAlgo> &scheduler)#
- Parameters:
lr – double learning rate
batchSize – std::size_t batch size
scheduler – Scheduler<SchedulerAlgo> to use (ConstantLR, Exponential, MultiStepLR, …)
Optimizer(JsonBox::Object o, std::vector<Connection*> &¶meters)#
constructor for JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
parameters – std::vector<Connection*>&&
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts to a JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
void setBatchSize(std::size_t batchsize) noexcept#
setter for batch size
std::size_t getBatchSize() const noexcept#
getter for batch size
- Returns:
void step(std::size_t epoch) noexcept#
step to update weights and lr if applies.
- Parameters:
epoch –
void zeroGrad() noexcept#
reset gradients
Scheduler<SchedulerAlgo> &getScheduler() noexcept#
get Scheduler
- Returns:
~Optimizer() = default#
Optimizer(double lr, std::size_t batchSize, const Algo &algo, const Scheduler<SchedulerAlgo> &scheduler)#
template<typename T>
class Population# - #include <Population.hpp>
Population<T> is an utility class that allows to evolve a population easily.
T needs to fulfill these conditions:
T has a member function JsonBox::Value
toJson() constnoexcept
T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object)
T has a member function double getFitness() const noexcept
T has a member function void setFitness(double) noexcept
T has a static member function static double T::distance(const T&, const T&, double, double, double) noexcept
T has a static member function static T T::reproduce(const T&, const T&) noexcept
If Population<T*> it will act as an observer, what does this means: Population<T*>::addMemberwill take a T*
If Population<T> it will act as an owner, what does this means:
Population<T>::addMember will take a T&&- Author
Cristian Gonzalez
You can’t use Population<T*>(JsonBox::Object) or Population<T*>(const std::string& filename) to load a Population.json also you can’t use Population<T*>(std::size_t size, Args…args)
- Template Parameters:
T – a class fulfilling meta::is_populable_v<T>
Public Types
using species_map = std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<value_type>>>#
using result_t = typename std::pair<std::vector<pointer>, std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>>#
result_t returned by reproduce and regrowPopulationFromElites when Population is an observer. returns a pair of vector<T*> and vector<T>, the first one is used to replace members that are not performing well, the second is the new members to be added.
Public Functions
basic constructor
Population(const Population<T> &other) noexcept = delete#
copy constructor is deleted.
- Parameters:
other – Population<T>
Population(Population<T> &&other) noexcept = default#
move constructor
- Parameters:
other – Population<T>
Population(std::function<T()> &&fn, std::size_t size, double c1 = 2.0, double c2 = 2.0, double c3 = 1.0)#
creates a population of size with provided function, if using T* remember to avoid memory re-allocations.
- Parameters:
fn – std::function<T()>&& generator function
size – std::size_t number of members
c1 – double coefficient for importance
c2 – double coefficient for importance
c3 – double coefficient for importance
template<typename ...Args>
Population(std::size_t size, double c1, double c2, double c3, Args&&... args)# creates a population of specified size with the args provided.
It cannot be used with T* use “Population(std::function<T()>&& fn, std::size_t size)” instead.
- Parameters:
size – std::size_t number of members.
c1 – double coefficient for importance
c2 – double coefficient for importance
c3 – double coefficient for importance
args – Args&&…
- Template Parameters:
Args – arguments for T constructor.
Population(JsonBox::Object o)#
Constructor for JsonBox::Object.
It cannot be used with T*
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
Population(const std::string &filename)#
Constructor to load a Population from a json file.
It cannot be used with T*
- Parameters:
filename – loads a json file written with Population::writeTofile
void addMember(std::conditional_t<std::is_pointer_v<value_type>, pointer, rvalue_reference> m, double c1 = 2.0, double c2 = 2.0, double c3 = 1.0) noexcept#
Adds a T, It will set T ID if owning it and it will check species, if it is not compatible with any other it will make a new species.
Invalidates iterators of Population::getMembers().
- Parameters:
m – T&& if Population<T> otherwise T* if Population<T*>
c1 – double coefficient for importance
c2 – double coefficient for importance
c3 – double coefficient for importance
void removeMember(reference m) noexcept#
removes a T and his species if its left empty.
Invalidates iterators.
- Parameters:
m – const T&
void removeMembers(std::vector<Population<T>::pointer> &&membrs) noexcept#
removes a list of T and his species if its left empty, use this if you need to remove many T* without invalidating them.
Invalidates iterators.
- Parameters:
membrs – std::vector<T*> members to remove
void addSpecies(std::unique_ptr<Species<value_type>> &&sp) noexcept#
adds a Species<T>, doesn’t change its ID but it will overwrite the species if already added.
- Parameters:
sp – std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>&&
void removeSpecies(const Species<value_type> &sp) noexcept#
removes a Species<T>
Invalidates iterators of Population::getMembers() and Population::getSpecies().
- Parameters:
sp – const Species&
pointer findMember(std::size_t id) noexcept#
finds a member, returns nullptr if not found
- Parameters:
id – std::size_t member ID
- Returns:
T* or nullptr if not found
pointer getBestMember() noexcept#
gets the best member it has in the Population.
- Returns:
T* or nullptr if not found.
Species<value_type> *findSpecies(std::size_t id) noexcept#
finds a Species, returns nullptr if not found.
- Parameters:
id – std::size_t Species ID
- Returns:
Species* or nullptr if not found.
void eval(std::function<void(reference)> &&fn) noexcept#
evaluate the members of the population.
- Parameters:
fn – std::function<void(T&)>&&
std::vector<pointer> &getMembers() noexcept#
returns the population cache
The pointers will get invalidated if added or removed a species or member to the population.
- Returns:
species_map &getSpecies() noexcept#
returns the species_map
- Returns:
void clear() noexcept#
clears all species and their members.
species_ids_or_void_t removeOldSpecies() noexcept#
It removes species older than Population::maxAge or that are empty.
it returns the ids of the species that had been removed when T* otherwise void.
std::vector<T> storage(...); storage.reserve(maxPop); // createMembers can use a stack / queue / etc to check dead members to // replace them or add new members. (possible implementation at PopulationTest.hpp) Population<T*> p(createMembers, 100); // more code auto ids = p.removeOldSpecies(); // will check all members and those that their speciesID match will be // added to deadMembers. (possible implementation at PopulationTest.hpp) addToDeadMembers(ids);
- Returns:
species_ids_or_void_t std::vector<std::size_t> when T* or void if T
void increaseAge() noexcept#
Increases the age by 1 or 2 if species is stagnant.
if there are novel species it will make them not novel, if a species is stagnant it will increase its age by 2 otherwise by 1.
species_ids_or_void_t increaseAgeAndRemoveOldSpecies() noexcept#
Increases the age by 1 or 2 if species is stagnant and removes species that are over Population<T>::maxAge or empty.
if there are novel species it will make them not novel, if a species is stagnant it will increase its age by 2 otherwise by 1, it will remove those species that are greater than maxAge or empty, it returns the ids of the species that had been removed when T* otherwise void.
- Returns:
species_ids_or_void_t std::vector<std::size_t> when T* or void if T
template<typename ...Args>
void regrowPopulation(double c1, double c2, double c3, Args&&... args) noexcept# Add new members to the population.
It cannot be used if using T* use “Population<T*>::regrowPopulation(Fn&& fn)”.
- Parameters:
c1 – double coefficient for importance
c2 – double coefficient for importance
c3 – double coefficient for importance
args – arguments for constructor of T
template<typename Fn>
void regrowPopulation(Fn &&fn, double c1 = 2.0, double c2 = 2.0, double c3 = 1.0) noexcept# Add new members to the population, remember to assign an id to T when using Population<T*>.
std::vector<T> storage; storage.reserve(maxPop); Population<T*> pop(createMembers, maxPop); // createMembers possible implementation at tests/PopulationTest.hpp // more code pop.regrowPopulation(createMembers);
- Template Parameters:
Fn – function
- Parameters:
fn – fn function returning a T or T*
c1 – double coefficient for importance
c2 – double coefficient for importance
c3 – double coefficient for importance
template<typename SelectionAlgo>
result_or_void_t regrowPopulationFromElites(SelectionAlgo &&sa, bool interSpecies, double c1 = 2.0, double c2 = 2.0, double c3 = 1.0) noexcept# regrow the population from the best members, the returned pair.first is always empty, in case we are using removeOldSpecies or increaseAgeAndRemoveOldSpecies we also need to call regrowPopulation in case *removeOldSpecies kills the whole population.
// code Population<T*> pop(createMembers, maxPop); auto sa = SelectionAlgorithms::Truncation<Genome*>{maxPop}; // more code auto res = p.regrowPopulationFromElites(sa, false); replace(res.first, res.second); // replace possible implementation at PopulationTest.hpp // more code
- Template Parameters:
SelectionAlgo –
- Parameters:
sa – Selection algorithm to use.
interSpecies – if is permitted to reproduce between other species.
c1 – double coefficient for importance
c2 – double coefficient for importance
c3 – double coefficient for importance
- Returns:
result_or_void_t void if Population is the owner result_t otherwise.
template<typename SelectionAlgo>
result_or_void_t reproduce(SelectionAlgo &&sa, bool interSpecies) noexcept# Replaces the members with less fitness of the Population with the children of the selected couples.
In case you want your own selection algorithm you will need to implement a functor overloading operator() This one will handle interspecies reproduction by selecting couples from members
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*>& members, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept;
and this will handle species reproduction by selecting couples from species
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>>& species, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept;
they must return a std::vector<Selected<T>> where every Selected<T>::loser should be unique.
// code Population<T*> pop(createMembers, maxPop); auto sa = SelectionAlgorithms::Truncation<Genome*>{maxPop}; // more code auto res = p.reproduce(sa, false); replace(res.first, res.second); // replace possible implementation at PopulationTest.hpp // more code
- Parameters:
sa – [in] Selection algorithm to use
interSpecies – [in] if is permitted to reproduce between other species.
- Returns:
result_or_void_t void if Population is the owner result_t otherwise.
void orderMembersByFitness() noexcept#
orders the members from the population by fitness
void orderMembersByID() noexcept#
orders the members from the population by their ids
void rankWithinSpecies() noexcept#
Orders all the members inside their own species by fitness.
std::size_t getPopulationSize() noexcept#
returns the population current size.
- Returns:
void setPopulationMaxSize(std::size_t maxSize) noexcept#
sets the max size of the population, use regrowPopulation to regrow to max population.
- Parameters:
maxSize – [in] max size for population
std::size_t getPopulationMaxSize() const noexcept#
returns the population Max Size.
- Returns:
std::size_t getSpeciesSize() const noexcept#
return number of species.
- Returns:
void setMaxAge(std::size_t age) noexcept#
setter for maxAge
- Parameters:
age – std::size_t
std::size_t getMaxAge() const noexcept#
returns maxAge
- Parameters:
std::size_t –
void setCompatibilityThreshold(double compThreshold) noexcept#
setter for the comparability Threshold
- Parameters:
compThreshold – double
double getCompatibilityThreshold() const noexcept#
getter for the comparability Threshold
- Returns:
double computeAvgFitness() noexcept#
computes the average fitness of the Population.
- Returns:
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
returns a JsonBox::Value with the current info.
- Returns:
void writeToFile(const std::string &filename)#
Writes the Population to a json file.
- Parameters:
filename – const std::string&
~Population() = default#
Population<T> &operator=(const Population<T> &rhs) noexcept = delete#
Population<T> &operator=(Population<T> &&rhs) noexcept = default#
template<typename SelectionAlgo>
Population<T>::result_or_void_t regrowPopulationFromElites(SelectionAlgo &&sa, bool interSpecies, [[maybe_unused]] double c1, [[maybe_unused]] double c2, [[maybe_unused]] double c3) noexcept#
struct ConstantLR#
- #include <ConstantLR.hpp>
ConstantLR Scheduler Algorithm.
Learning rate will not change
Public Functions
ConstantLR() = default#
default constructor
ConstantLR(JsonBox::Object o)#
constructor for JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts to JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
double operator()(double lr, std::size_t epoch) const noexcept#
applies the scheduling to lr
- Parameters:
lr –
epoch –
ConstantLR() = default#
struct ExponentialLR#
- #include <ExponentialLR.hpp>
ExponentialLR Scheduler Algorithm.
- Param m_gamma:
auto eLR = ExponentialLR{0.5};
Public Functions
ExponentialLR(double gamma = 0.1)#
- Parameters:
gamma –
ExponentialLR(JsonBox::Object o)#
constructor for JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts to a JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
double operator()(double lr, std::size_t epoch) const noexcept#
applies the scheduling to lr
- Parameters:
lr –
epoch –
Public Members
double m_gamma#
struct MultiplicativeLR#
- #include <MultiplicativeLR.hpp>
MultiplicativeLR Scheduler Algorithm.
auto mLR = MultiplicativeLR{0.1};
Public Functions
MultiplicativeLR(double factor = 0.1)#
- Parameters:
factor –
MultiplicativeLR(JsonBox::Object o)#
constructor for JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts to a JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
double operator()(double lr, std::size_t epoch) const noexcept#
applies the scheduling to lr
- Parameters:
lr –
epoch –
Public Members
double m_factor#
MultiplicativeLR(double factor = 0.1)#
struct MultiStepLR#
- #include <MultiStepLR.hpp>
MultiStepLR Scheduler Algorithm.
auto msLR = MultiStepLR{{10,20,50,55}, 0.1};
Public Functions
MultiStepLR(std::vector<std::size_t> &&steps, double gamma = 0.1)#
- Parameters:
steps – std::vector<std::size_t>&&
gamma – double
MultiStepLR(JsonBox::Object o)#
constructor for JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts to a JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
double operator()(double lr, std::size_t epoch) const noexcept#
applies the scheduling to lr
- Parameters:
lr – double
epoch – std::size_t
MultiStepLR(std::vector<std::size_t> &&steps, double gamma = 0.1)#
struct StepLR#
- #include <StepLR.hpp>
auto sLR = StepLR{10,0.1}; // every 10 steps will update lr
Public Functions
StepLR(std::size_t step = 10u, double gamma = 0.1)#
- Parameters:
step – std::size_t
gamma – double
StepLR(JsonBox::Object o)#
constructor for JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts to JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
double operator()(double lr, std::size_t epoch) const noexcept#
applies the scheduler to lr
- Parameters:
lr –
epoch –
StepLR(std::size_t step = 10u, double gamma = 0.1)#
template<class Algo>
struct Scheduler# - #include <Schedulers.hpp>
Scheduler to update the learning rate.
Algo needs to fulfill these conditions:
Algo has a member function JsonBox::Value
toJson() constnoexcept
Algo has a constructor Algo::Algo(JsonBox::Object)
Algo has a double operator()(double, std::size_t) const noexcept- Template Parameters:
Algo – is an scheduling algorithm
Public Functions
Scheduler(JsonBox::Object o)#
constructor for JsonBox::Object
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
converts to JsonBox::Value
- Returns:
double step(double lr, std::size_t epoch) const noexcept#
applies the scheduling step
- Parameters:
lr –
epoch –
- Returns:
double updated learning rate
~Scheduler() = default#
template<typename T>
class Species# - #include <Species.hpp>
Class that represents a Species.
T needs to fulfill these conditions:
T has a member function JsonBox::Value
toJson() constnoexcept
T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object)
T has a member function double getFitness() const noexcept
T has a member function void setFitness(double) noexcept
If Species<T*> it will act as an observer what does this means:
Species<T*>::add(T* t) will accept a T* by value
Species<T*>::remove(T* t) will accept a T* by value
Species<T*>::has(T* t) will accept a T* by value
If Species<T> it will act as an owner what does this means:
Species<T>::add(T&& t) will take a T&&
Species<T>::remove(std::size_t id) will take an id by value
Species<T>::has(std::size_t id) will take an id by value
- Author
Cristian Gonzalez
You can’t use Species<T*>(JsonBox::Object) or Species<T*>(const std::string& filename) to load a Species.json
Public Types
Public Functions
Species() noexcept#
basic Constructor
Species(std::size_t Id, bool Novel) noexcept#
Creates a Species With the id and novel.
- Parameters:
Id – std::size_T
Novel – bool if the species is a new one.
Species(JsonBox::Object o) noexcept#
loads a Species from a JsonBox::Object, cannot be used with Species<T*>
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
Species(const std::string &filename)#
It loads the species from a json file saved with Species::writeToFile, cannot be used with Species<T*>
- Parameters:
filename – const std::string&
void adjustFitness() noexcept#
Adjust the fitness of the species dividing the fitness with the size of the species.
void computeAvgFitness() noexcept#
computes the Average fitness
void computeMaxFitness() noexcept#
computes the max fitness
void rank() noexcept#
orders by fitness.
template<typename Fn>
void rank(Fn &&fn) noexcept# orders by Fn(auto& m1, auto& m2)
- Template Parameters:
Fn – function to pass to std::sort
- Parameters:
fn – Fn lambda args can be pointers or references depending what type of Species you are using.
Species<T>::const_pointer getRepresentative() const noexcept#
returns the first member of this species
- Returns:
const T*
Species<T>::pointer getChampion() noexcept#
returns the best performing member of the species.
- Returns:
bool isNovel() const noexcept#
returns if is novel.
- Returns:
void setNovel(bool n) noexcept#
setter for novel
- Parameters:
n – bool
bool isKillable() const noexcept#
returns if is killable
- Returns:
void setKillable(bool k) noexcept#
setter for killable
- Parameters:
k – bool killable
void setID(std::size_t speciesID) noexcept#
sets the ID of the species.
- Parameters:
speciesID – std::size_t
void setAge(std::size_t speciesAge) noexcept#
setter for the age of the species.
- Parameters:
speciesAge – std::size_t
void addAge(std::size_t amount) noexcept#
adds the amount to the current age of the species.
- Parameters:
amount – std::size_t
std::size_t getAge() const noexcept#
returns the current age of the species.
std::vector<T> &getMembers() noexcept#
returns the members from this species.
- Returns:
void add(std::conditional_t<std::is_pointer_v<value_type>, pointer, rvalue_reference> m) noexcept#
adds a member to the species and sets its SpeciesID to Species::getID().
- Parameters:
m – T&& if T is not a pointer T* otherwise.
void remove(std::conditional_t<std::is_pointer_v<value_type>, pointer, std::size_t> Id) noexcept#
removes a member from the species.
- Parameters:
Id – std::size_t if T is not a pointer T* otherwise.
bool has(std::conditional_t<std::is_pointer_v<value_type>, pointer, std::size_t> id) noexcept#
checks if this T is in this species.
- Parameters:
id – std::size_t if T is not a pointer T* otherwise.
- Returns:
void orderMembersByID() noexcept#
orders the members from the species by ID.
double getAvgFitness() const noexcept#
Call Species<T>::computeAvgFitness first, returns the average fitness of the species.
- Returns:
double getMaxFitness() const noexcept#
Call Species<T>::computeMaxFitness first, returns the max fitness that it has.
- Returns:
std::size_t getSize() const noexcept#
returns the number of members in the species.
- Returns:
bool empty() const noexcept#
checks if is empty.
- Returns:
bool isStagnant() const noexcept#
checks if has stopped getting better it needs to have Species<T>::computeAvgFitness run first.
- Returns:
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
returns a JsonBox::Value with the current info.
- Returns:
void writeToFile(const std::string &filename) const noexcept#
writes the Species to a file
- Parameters:
filename –
~Species() = default#
template<typename T>
struct Scaler# - #include <MathUtils.hpp>
Scales a number to be between normalized min and normalized max.
- Template Parameters:
T – type
Public Types
using reference = value_type&#
using rvalue_reference = value_type&&#
using const_reference = const value_type&#
using pointer = value_type*#
Public Functions
Scaler(value_type normalizedMin = 0.0, value_type normalizedMax = 1.0)#
Constructor scaled values to be (default: 0.0, 1.0)
- Parameters:
normalizedMin – value_type
normalizedMax – value_type
Scaler(JsonBox::Object o)#
Constructor for a JsonBox::Object.
- Parameters:
o – JsonBox::Object
JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept#
Use this to get a JsonBox::Value.
- Returns:
template<typename U>
void transform(std::vector<U> &data) noexcept# Detects and saves min and max from the data and applies the transform to scale the values to be within normMin and normMax.
std::vector<double> data = {10.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 5.0} EvoAI::Scaler<double> sc(0.0, 1.0); sc.tranform(data);
- Parameters:
data – std::vector<type>& transforms the data
template<typename Iter>
void transform(Iter begin, Iter end) noexcept# Detects and saves min and max from the data and applies the transform to scale the range to be within normMin and normMax.
std::vector<double> data = {10.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 5.0} EvoAI::Scaler<double> sc(0.0, 1.0); sc.tranform(std::begin(data),std::end(data));
- Parameters:
begin – Iter
end – Iter
value_type transform(value_type val) noexcept#
Applies transform to a single value, set the min and max by hand or use transform(std::vector<T>&) first.
set .min and .max before calling this method.
EvoAI::Scaler<double> sc(0.0, 1.0); sc.min = 0.0; sc.max = 100.0; auto newData = sc.tranform(5.42);
- Parameters:
val –
- Returns:
T new value
template<typename U>
void inverseTransform(std::vector<U> &data) noexcept# converts the data to the unscaled data.
std::vector<double> data = {10.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 5.0} EvoAI::Scaler<double> sc(0.0, 1.0); sc.inverseTranform(data);
- Parameters:
data – std::vector<type> modifies the data
template<typename Iter>
void inverseTransform(Iter begin, Iter end) noexcept# converts the data in the range to the unscaled data.
std::vector<double> data = {10.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 5.0} EvoAI::Scaler<double> sc(0.0, 1.0); sc.inverseTranform(std::begin(data),std::end(data));
- Parameters:
begin – Iter
end – Iter
value_type inverseTransform(value_type val) noexcept#
converts a single value, set the min and max by hand or use transform(std::vector<T>&) or transform(Iter begin, Iter end) first
set .min and .max
EvoAI::Scaler<double> sc(0.0, 1.0); sc.min = 0.0; sc.max = 100.0; auto newData = sc.inverseTranform(5.42);
- Parameters:
val –
- Returns:
T new value
~Scaler() = default#
class RandomGenerator#
- #include <RandomUtils.hpp>
Class to generate random numbers.
Public Functions
RandomGenerator(std::size_t seed)#
constructor with seed.
- Parameters:
seed –
double random(double min, double max, double layerSize) noexcept#
returns a random number between min and max and multiplies for sqrt of 2.0/layerSize
- Parameters:
min – double
max – double
layerSize – double
- Returns:
double lecunInit(std::size_t inputSize) noexcept#
LeCun initialization uniform distribution.
- Parameters:
inputSize – std::size_t
- Returns:
double lecunInitNormal(std::size_t inputSize) noexcept#
LeCun initialization normal distribution aka Gaussian.
- Parameters:
inputSize – std::size_t
- Returns:
double heInit(std::size_t inputSize) noexcept#
He initialization uniform distribution.
- Parameters:
inputSize – std::size_t
- Returns:
double heInitNormal(std::size_t inputSize) noexcept#
He initialization normal distribution aka Gaussian.
- Parameters:
inputSize – std::size_t
- Returns:
double xavierInit(std::size_t inputSize, std::size_t outputSize) noexcept#
Xavier initialization uniform distribution.
- Parameters:
inputSize – std::size_t
outputSize – std::size_t
- Returns:
double xavierInitNormal(std::size_t inputSize, std::size_t outputSize) noexcept#
Xavier initialization normal distribution aka Gaussian.
- Parameters:
inputSize – std::size_t
outputSize – std::size_t
- Returns:
template<typename T>
T random(T min, T max) noexcept# returns a random number between min and max.
- Parameters:
min – T
max – T
- Returns:
bool random(float rate) noexcept#
gives a random true or false given the rate.
- Parameters:
rate – float 0.0-1.0
- Returns:
inline std::size_t getSeed() const noexcept#
get the seed
- Returns:
std::size_t seed
void setSeed(std::size_t seed) noexcept#
set the seed and update engine.
- Parameters:
seed – std::size_t
inline std::mt19937_64 &getEngine() noexcept#
get the engine
- Returns:
~RandomGenerator() = default#
template<class T>
class Guard# - #include <Utils.hpp>
guards a T from multiple threads accessing it.
- Template Parameters:
T – object to guard
namespace Activations#
- EvoAI_API double identity (double v) noexcept
identity activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double sigmoid (double v) noexcept
a sigmoid activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double steepenedSigmoid (double v) noexcept
steepenedSigmoid activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double swish (double x, double b=1.0) noexcept
swish activation
- Parameters:
x – double
b – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double tanh (double v) noexcept
tanh activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double sinusoid (double v) noexcept
sinusoid activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double cosine (double v) noexcept
cosine activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double tan (double v) noexcept
tan activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double relu (double v) noexcept
relu activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double noisyRelu (double v) noexcept
noisyRelu activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double leakyRelu (double x) noexcept
leakyRelu activation
- Parameters:
x – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double exponential (double v) noexcept
exponential activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API void softmax (NeuronLayer &outputs) noexcept
softmax activation
- Parameters:
outputs – NeuronLayer&
- EvoAI_API double gaussian (double v) noexcept
gaussian activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double modulus (double v, double div=2.0) noexcept
modulus activation
- Parameters:
v – double
div – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double square (double v) noexcept
square activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double cube (double v) noexcept
cube activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double softplus (double v) noexcept
softplus activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double clamp (double v) noexcept
clamp activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double inv (double v) noexcept
inv activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double log (double v) noexcept
log activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double abs (double v) noexcept
abs activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double hat (double v) noexcept
hat activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
namespace Derivatives#
- EvoAI_API double identity (double v) noexcept
identity derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double modulus (double v, double div) noexcept
modulus derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
div – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double sigmoid (double v) noexcept
sigmoid derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double steepenedSigmoid (double v) noexcept
a steepened Sigmoid function
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double swish (double x, double b=1.0) noexcept
swish derivative
- Parameters:
x – double
b – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double tanh (double v) noexcept
tanh derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double cosine (double v) noexcept
cosine derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double tan (double v) noexcept
tan derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double sinusoid (double v) noexcept
sinusoid derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double relu (double v) noexcept
relu derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double noisyRelu (double v) noexcept
noisyRelu derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double leakyRelu (double x) noexcept
leakyRelu derivative
- Parameters:
x – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double exponential (double v) noexcept
exponential derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API void softmax (NeuronLayer &outputs) noexcept
Softmax derivative.
- Parameters:
outputs – NeuronLayer&
- EvoAI_API double gaussian (double v) noexcept
gaussian derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double square (double v) noexcept
square derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double cube (double v) noexcept
cube derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double softplus (double v) noexcept
softplus derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double clamp (double v) noexcept
clamp derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double inv (double v) noexcept
inv derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double log (double v) noexcept
log derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double abs (double v) noexcept
abs derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double hat (double v) noexcept
hat derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
namespace Loss#
struct BinaryCrossEntropy#
- #include <BinaryCrossEntropy.hpp>
Binary Cross Entropy.
Public Functions
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
struct MeanAbsoluteError#
- #include <MeanAbsoluteError.hpp>
Mean Absolute Error.
Public Functions
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
struct MeanError#
- #include <MeanError.hpp>
Mean Error.
Public Functions
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
struct MeanSquaredError#
- #include <MeanSquaredError.hpp>
Mean Squared Error.
Public Functions
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
struct MultiClassCrossEntropy#
- #include <MultiClassCrossEntropy.hpp>
Multi-Class Cross Entropy.
Public Functions
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
template<class Algo>
struct Loss# - #include <Loss.hpp>
Algo needs to fulfill these requirements:
Algo has a double
operator()(const std::vector<double>& expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double>& outputs)noexcept
Algo has a std::vector<double>
backward(const std::vector<double>& expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double>& outputs) noexcept- Template Parameters:
Algo –
Public Functions
inline double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
inline std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept#
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
struct BinaryCrossEntropy#
namespace meta#
template<class T>
using serializable_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().toJson())# T has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept.
template<class T>
using serializable_constructible_t = decltype(T{std::declval<JsonBox::Object>()})# T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object)
template<class T>
using get_id_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().getID())# T has a member function std::size_t getID() const noexcept.
template<class T>
using set_id_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().setID(std::declval<std::size_t>()))# T has a member function void setID(std::size_t) noexcept.
template<class T>
using get_species_id_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().getSpeciesID())# T has a member function std::size_t getSpeciesID() const noexcept.
template<class T>
using set_species_id_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().setSpeciesID(std::declval<std::size_t>()))# T has a member function void setSpeciesID(std::size_t) noexcept.
template<class T>
using set_fitness_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().setFitness(std::declval<double>()))# T has a member function void setFitness(double) noexcept.
template<class T>
using get_fitness_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().getFitness())# T has a member function double getFitness() const noexcept.
template<class T>
using distance_t = decltype(T::distance(std::declval<const T&>(), std::declval<const T&>(), std::declval<double>(), std::declval<double>(), std::declval<double>()))# T has a static double T::distance(const T&, const T&, double, double, double) noexcept;.
template<class T>
using reproduce_t = decltype(T::reproduce(std::declval<const T&>(), std::declval<const T&>()))# T has a static T T::reproduce(const T&, const T&) noexcept;.
template<class T, class C>
using serializable_constructible_with_param_t = decltype(T{std::declval<JsonBox::Object>(), std::declval<C>()})# T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object, C)
- Todo:
use this when c++20
- Template Parameters:
T – Class or struct with constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object, C);
C – additional parameter for the constructor
template<class T>
using optimizer_algo_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().(std::declval<double>(), std::declval<std::size_t>()))# T has a void T::operator()(double, std::size_t) const noexcept;.
template<class T>
using scheduler_algo_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().(std::declval<double>(), std::declval<std::size_t>()))# T has a double T::operator()(double, std::size_t) const noexcept;.
template<class T>
using has_forward_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().(std::declval<const std::vector<double>&>(), std::declval<const std::vector<double>&>()))# T has a member function double operator()(const std::vector<double>& expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double>& outputs) noexcept.
template<class T>
using has_backward_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().backward(std::declval<const std::vector<double>&>(), std::declval<const std::vector<double>&>()))# T has a member function std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double>& expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double>& outputs) noexcept.
template<class T>
using has_empty_operator_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().())# T has a member function std::pair<std::vector<double>&, std::vector<double>&> operator()() noexcept.
template<class T>
using has_size_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().size())# T has a member function std::size_t size() noexcept.
template<class T>
constexpr bool serializable_v = estd::is_detected<serializable_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
constexpr bool serializable_constructible_v = estd::is_detected<serializable_constructible_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
constexpr bool get_species_id_v = estd::is_detected<get_species_id_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
constexpr bool set_species_id_v = estd::is_detected<set_species_id_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
constexpr bool set_fitness_v = estd::is_detected<set_fitness_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
constexpr bool get_fitness_v = estd::is_detected<get_fitness_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
constexpr bool distance_v = estd::is_detected<distance_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
constexpr bool reproduce_v = estd::is_detected<reproduce_t, T>::value#
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool is_speciable_v = is_speciable<T>::value#
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool is_populable_v = is_populable<T>::value#
template<class T, class C>
constexpr bool serializable_constructible_with_param_v = estd::is_detected<serializable_constructible_with_param_t, T, C>::value#
template<class T>
constexpr bool optimizer_algo_v = estd::is_detected<optimizer_algo_t, T>::value#
template<class T, class C>
static constexpr bool is_an_optimizer_algorithm_v = is_an_optimizer_algorithm<T, C>::value#
template<class T>
constexpr bool scheduler_algo_v = estd::is_detected<scheduler_algo_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
static constexpr bool is_a_scheduler_algorithm_v = is_a_scheduler_algorithm<T>::value#
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_forward_v = estd::is_detected<has_forward_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_backward_v = estd::is_detected<has_backward_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
static constexpr bool is_a_loss_v = has_forward_v<T> && has_backward_v<T># T is a loss algorithm.
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_empty_operator_v = estd::is_detected<has_empty_operator_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_size_v = estd::is_detected<has_size_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_get_batch_size_v = estd::is_detected<has_get_batch_size_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_shuffle_v = estd::is_detected<has_shuffle_t, T>::value#
template<class T>
static constexpr bool is_a_dataset_v = has_empty_operator_v<T> && has_size_v<T> && has_get_batch_size_v<T> && has_shuffle_v<T>#
template<class T>
struct is_speciable# - #include <TypeUtils.hpp>
T requires to have these functions:
T has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept; T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object); T has a member function double getFitness() const noexcept; T has a member function void setFitness(double) noexcept;
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_v<T> && get_fitness_v<T> && set_fitness_v<T>#
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_v<T> && get_fitness_v<T> && set_fitness_v<T>#
template<class T>
struct is_populable# - #include <TypeUtils.hpp>
T is required to have these functions:
T has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept; T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object); T has a member function double getFitness() const noexcept; T has a member function void setFitness(double) noexcept; T has a member function void setSpeciesID(std::size_t) noexcept; T has a member function std::size_t getSpeciesID() const noexcept; T has a member function void setID(std::size_t) noexcept; T has a member function std::size_t getID() const noexcept; T has a static double T::distance(const T&, const T&, double, double, double) noexcept; T has a static T T::reproduce(const T&, const T&) noexcept;
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool value = is_speciable<T>::value && get_species_id_v<T> && get_id_v<T> && set_species_id_v<T> && set_id_v<T> && distance_v<T> && reproduce_v<T>#
static constexpr bool value = is_speciable<T>::value && get_species_id_v<T> && get_id_v<T> && set_species_id_v<T> && set_id_v<T> && distance_v<T> && reproduce_v<T>#
template<class T, class C>
struct is_an_optimizer_algorithm# - #include <TypeUtils.hpp>
T is required to have these functions:
T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object, NeuralNetwork*); T has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept; T has a T::operator()(double, std::size_t) const noexcept;
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_with_param_v<T, C> && optimizer_algo_v<T>#
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_with_param_v<T, C> && optimizer_algo_v<T>#
template<class T>
struct is_a_scheduler_algorithm# - #include <TypeUtils.hpp>
T is required to have these functions:
T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object); T has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept; T has a T::operator()(double, std::size_t) const noexcept;
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_v<T> && scheduler_algo_v<T>#
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_v<T> && scheduler_algo_v<T>#
template<class T>
namespace priv#
helper functions
- Todo:
move to typeUtils? better way?
template<typename T>
std::remove_pointer_t<T> *to_pointer(std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_pointer_t<T>> &t) noexcept#
template<typename T>
const std::remove_pointer_t<T> *to_pointer(const std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_pointer_t<T>> &t) noexcept#
template<typename T>
std::remove_reference_t<T> &to_ref(std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_pointer_t<T>> &t) noexcept#
template<typename T>
const std::remove_reference_t<T> &to_ref(const std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_pointer_t<T>> &t) noexcept#
template<typename T>
std::remove_reference_t<T> &to_ref(std::remove_reference_t<T> &&t) noexcept = delete#
template<typename NamesTuple, typename JsonsTuple, std::size_t... Is>
JsonBox::Value makeJsonFrom_impl(const NamesTuple &names, const JsonsTuple &jsons, std::index_sequence<Is...>) noexcept#
namespace SelectionAlgorithms#
Algorithms of Selection Strategies.
In case you want your own selection algorithm you will need to implement a functor overloading operator() they must return a std::vector<Selected<T>> where every Selected<T>.loser should be unique. The algorithm can return less than the number of selected required, and should handle T and T*.
template<typename T> struct EvoAI_API new_algorithm{ //This one will handle interspecies reproduction by selecting couples from members std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*>& members, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept; //and this will handle species reproduction by selecting couples from species std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>>& species, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept; };
template<typename T>
struct Selected# - #include <SelectionAlgorithms.hpp>
Standard container for SelectionAlgorithms.
template<typename T>
struct Truncation# - #include <SelectionAlgorithms.hpp>
Truncation Selection algorithm.
When using interspecies it will order members by fitness and then select couples from the fittest members and a loser from the bottom of the list, when using species only it will select the fittest members from the species by using a percentage calculated from the size of the species, the bigger the species the more selected members from that species.
Public Functions
Truncation(std::size_t maxPop) noexcept#
- Parameters:
maxPop – maxPopulation
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*> &members, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept#
selects couples independent of their species.
- Parameters:
members – std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>> &species, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept#
select couples of the same species.
- Parameters:
species – std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
Public Members
std::size_t maxPopulation#
Truncation(std::size_t maxPop) noexcept#
template<typename T>
struct Tournament# - #include <SelectionAlgorithms.hpp>
Tournament Selection algorithm.
It will randomly select members and compare their fitness, choosing a new contender for each round, the winner will be a parent, when using species only it will select more members of the biggest species.
Public Functions
Tournament(std::size_t maxPopulation, std::size_t rnds = 10) noexcept#
- Parameters:
maxPopulation – maxPopulation used to calculate the number To select per species.
rnds – rounds to select a champion and loser. (default = 10)
template<typename Members>
std::pair<pointer, pointer> fight(Members &members) noexcept# randomly selects some members and compare their fitness, the champion is the one with the highest fitness.
- Template Parameters:
[in] – members Members vector<T> for T and T*
- Returns:
std::pair<pointer, pointer> champion and loser
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*> &members, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept#
selects couples independent of their species.
- Parameters:
members – std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>> &species, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept#
select couples of the same species.
- Parameters:
species – std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
template<typename Members>
std::pair<typename Tournament<T>::pointer, typename Tournament<T>::pointer> fight(Members &members) noexcept#
Tournament(std::size_t maxPopulation, std::size_t rnds = 10) noexcept#
template<typename T>
struct FPS# - #include <SelectionAlgorithms.hpp>
Fitness Proportionate Selection aka roulette wheel selection algorithm.
calculates the proportion using fitness and randomly selects a couple and a loser.
Public Functions
explicit FPS(std::size_t maxPopulation) noexcept#
- Parameters:
maxPopulation – std::size_t maxPopulation used to calculate the number To select per species.
template<typename Members>
pointer FPSelection(Members &members, double totalFitness) noexcept# randomly select a number and select a member that the sum of its fitness is over that number.
- Template Parameters:
Members – vector<T> for T and T*
- Parameters:
members – vector<T> for T and T*
totalFitness – double
- Returns:
T* it can be a nullptr
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*> &members, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept#
selects couples independent of their species.
- Parameters:
members – std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>> &species, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept#
select couples of the same species.
- Parameters:
species – std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
Public Members
std::size_t maxPop#
explicit FPS(std::size_t maxPopulation) noexcept#
template<typename T>
template<class T>
namespace Activations
- EvoAI_API double identity (double v) noexcept
identity activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double sigmoid (double v) noexcept
a sigmoid activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double steepenedSigmoid (double v) noexcept
steepenedSigmoid activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double swish (double x, double b=1.0) noexcept
swish activation
- Parameters:
x – double
b – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double tanh (double v) noexcept
tanh activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double sinusoid (double v) noexcept
sinusoid activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double cosine (double v) noexcept
cosine activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double tan (double v) noexcept
tan activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double relu (double v) noexcept
relu activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double noisyRelu (double v) noexcept
noisyRelu activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double leakyRelu (double x) noexcept
leakyRelu activation
- Parameters:
x – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double exponential (double v) noexcept
exponential activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API void softmax (NeuronLayer &outputs) noexcept
softmax activation
- Parameters:
outputs – NeuronLayer&
- EvoAI_API double gaussian (double v) noexcept
gaussian activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double modulus (double v, double div=2.0) noexcept
modulus activation
- Parameters:
v – double
div – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double square (double v) noexcept
square activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double cube (double v) noexcept
cube activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double softplus (double v) noexcept
softplus activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double clamp (double v) noexcept
clamp activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double inv (double v) noexcept
inv activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double log (double v) noexcept
log activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double abs (double v) noexcept
abs activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double hat (double v) noexcept
hat activation
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
namespace Derivatives
- EvoAI_API double identity (double v) noexcept
identity derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double modulus (double v, double div) noexcept
modulus derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
div – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double sigmoid (double v) noexcept
sigmoid derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double steepenedSigmoid (double v) noexcept
a steepened Sigmoid function
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double swish (double x, double b=1.0) noexcept
swish derivative
- Parameters:
x – double
b – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double tanh (double v) noexcept
tanh derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double cosine (double v) noexcept
cosine derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double tan (double v) noexcept
tan derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double sinusoid (double v) noexcept
sinusoid derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double relu (double v) noexcept
relu derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double noisyRelu (double v) noexcept
noisyRelu derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double leakyRelu (double x) noexcept
leakyRelu derivative
- Parameters:
x – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double exponential (double v) noexcept
exponential derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API void softmax (NeuronLayer &outputs) noexcept
Softmax derivative.
- Parameters:
outputs – NeuronLayer&
- EvoAI_API double gaussian (double v) noexcept
gaussian derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double square (double v) noexcept
square derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double cube (double v) noexcept
cube derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double softplus (double v) noexcept
softplus derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double clamp (double v) noexcept
clamp derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double inv (double v) noexcept
inv derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double log (double v) noexcept
log derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double abs (double v) noexcept
abs derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
- EvoAI_API double hat (double v) noexcept
hat derivative
- Parameters:
v – double
- Returns:
namespace Loss
struct BinaryCrossEntropy
- #include <BinaryCrossEntropy.hpp>
Binary Cross Entropy.
Public Functions
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
struct MeanAbsoluteError
- #include <MeanAbsoluteError.hpp>
Mean Absolute Error.
Public Functions
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
struct MeanError
- #include <MeanError.hpp>
Mean Error.
Public Functions
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
struct MeanSquaredError
- #include <MeanSquaredError.hpp>
Mean Squared Error.
Public Functions
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
struct MultiClassCrossEntropy
- #include <MultiClassCrossEntropy.hpp>
Multi-Class Cross Entropy.
Public Functions
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
template<class Algo>
struct Loss - #include <Loss.hpp>
Algo needs to fulfill these requirements:
Algo has a double
operator()(const std::vector<double>& expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double>& outputs)noexcept
Algo has a std::vector<double>
backward(const std::vector<double>& expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double>& outputs) noexcept- Template Parameters:
Algo –
Public Functions
inline Loss(Algo &&algo)
- Parameters:
algo – Algo struct implementing is_a_loss_v
inline double operator()(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
forward step to calculate loss
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
inline std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double> &expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double> &outputs) noexcept
backward step to calculate gradients
- Parameters:
expectedOutputs – std::vector<double>&
outputs – std::vector<double>&
- Returns:
std::vector<double> gradients for output layer
Public Members
Algo loss
struct BinaryCrossEntropy
namespace SelectionAlgorithms
Algorithms of Selection Strategies.
In case you want your own selection algorithm you will need to implement a functor overloading operator() they must return a std::vector<Selected<T>> where every Selected<T>.loser should be unique. The algorithm can return less than the number of selected required, and should handle T and T*.
template<typename T> struct EvoAI_API new_algorithm{ //This one will handle interspecies reproduction by selecting couples from members std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*>& members, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept; //and this will handle species reproduction by selecting couples from species std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>>& species, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept; };
template<typename T>
struct Selected - #include <SelectionAlgorithms.hpp>
Standard container for SelectionAlgorithms.
Public Types
using pointer = std::remove_pointer_t<T>*
using pointer = std::remove_pointer_t<T>*
template<typename T>
struct Truncation - #include <SelectionAlgorithms.hpp>
Truncation Selection algorithm.
When using interspecies it will order members by fitness and then select couples from the fittest members and a loser from the bottom of the list, when using species only it will select the fittest members from the species by using a percentage calculated from the size of the species, the bigger the species the more selected members from that species.
Public Types
using pointer = std::remove_pointer_t<T>*
Public Functions
Truncation(std::size_t maxPop) noexcept
- Parameters:
maxPop – maxPopulation
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*> &members, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept
selects couples independent of their species.
- Parameters:
members – std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>> &species, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept
select couples of the same species.
- Parameters:
species – std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
Public Members
std::size_t maxPopulation
using pointer = std::remove_pointer_t<T>*
template<typename T>
struct Tournament - #include <SelectionAlgorithms.hpp>
Tournament Selection algorithm.
It will randomly select members and compare their fitness, choosing a new contender for each round, the winner will be a parent, when using species only it will select more members of the biggest species.
Public Types
using pointer = std::remove_pointer_t<T>*
Public Functions
Tournament(std::size_t maxPopulation, std::size_t rnds = 10) noexcept
- Parameters:
maxPopulation – maxPopulation used to calculate the number To select per species.
rnds – rounds to select a champion and loser. (default = 10)
template<typename Members>
std::pair<pointer, pointer> fight(Members &members) noexcept randomly selects some members and compare their fitness, the champion is the one with the highest fitness.
- Template Parameters:
[in] – members Members vector<T> for T and T*
- Returns:
std::pair<pointer, pointer> champion and loser
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*> &members, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept
selects couples independent of their species.
- Parameters:
members – std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>> &species, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept
select couples of the same species.
- Parameters:
species – std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
template<typename Members>
std::pair<typename Tournament<T>::pointer, typename Tournament<T>::pointer> fight(Members &members) noexcept
Public Members
std::size_t maxPop
std::size_t rounds
using pointer = std::remove_pointer_t<T>*
template<typename T>
struct FPS - #include <SelectionAlgorithms.hpp>
Fitness Proportionate Selection aka roulette wheel selection algorithm.
calculates the proportion using fitness and randomly selects a couple and a loser.
Public Types
using pointer = std::remove_pointer_t<T>*
Public Functions
explicit FPS(std::size_t maxPopulation) noexcept
- Parameters:
maxPopulation – std::size_t maxPopulation used to calculate the number To select per species.
template<typename Members>
pointer FPSelection(Members &members, double totalFitness) noexcept randomly select a number and select a member that the sum of its fitness is over that number.
- Template Parameters:
Members – vector<T> for T and T*
- Parameters:
members – vector<T> for T and T*
totalFitness – double
- Returns:
T* it can be a nullptr
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*> &members, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept
selects couples independent of their species.
- Parameters:
members – std::vector<std::remove_pointer_t<T>*>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
std::vector<Selected<T>> operator()(std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>> &species, std::size_t numberToSelect) noexcept
select couples of the same species.
- Parameters:
species – std::map<std::size_t, std::unique_ptr<Species<T>>>&
numberToSelect – std::size_t
- Returns:
std::vector<Selected<T>> selected
Public Members
std::size_t maxPop
using pointer = std::remove_pointer_t<T>*
template<typename T>
namespace meta
template<class T>
using serializable_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().toJson()) T has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept.
template<class T>
using serializable_constructible_t = decltype(T{std::declval<JsonBox::Object>()}) T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object)
template<class T>
using get_id_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().getID()) T has a member function std::size_t getID() const noexcept.
template<class T>
using set_id_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().setID(std::declval<std::size_t>())) T has a member function void setID(std::size_t) noexcept.
template<class T>
using get_species_id_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().getSpeciesID()) T has a member function std::size_t getSpeciesID() const noexcept.
template<class T>
using set_species_id_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().setSpeciesID(std::declval<std::size_t>())) T has a member function void setSpeciesID(std::size_t) noexcept.
template<class T>
using set_fitness_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().setFitness(std::declval<double>())) T has a member function void setFitness(double) noexcept.
template<class T>
using get_fitness_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().getFitness()) T has a member function double getFitness() const noexcept.
template<class T>
using distance_t = decltype(T::distance(std::declval<const T&>(), std::declval<const T&>(), std::declval<double>(), std::declval<double>(), std::declval<double>())) T has a static double T::distance(const T&, const T&, double, double, double) noexcept;.
template<class T>
using reproduce_t = decltype(T::reproduce(std::declval<const T&>(), std::declval<const T&>())) T has a static T T::reproduce(const T&, const T&) noexcept;.
template<class T, class C>
using serializable_constructible_with_param_t = decltype(T{std::declval<JsonBox::Object>(), std::declval<C>()}) T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object, C)
- Todo:
use this when c++20
- Template Parameters:
T – Class or struct with constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object, C);
C – additional parameter for the constructor
template<class T>
using optimizer_algo_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().(std::declval<double>(), std::declval<std::size_t>())) T has a void T::operator()(double, std::size_t) const noexcept;.
template<class T>
using scheduler_algo_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().(std::declval<double>(), std::declval<std::size_t>())) T has a double T::operator()(double, std::size_t) const noexcept;.
template<class T>
using has_forward_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().(std::declval<const std::vector<double>&>(), std::declval<const std::vector<double>&>())) T has a member function double operator()(const std::vector<double>& expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double>& outputs) noexcept.
template<class T>
using has_backward_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().backward(std::declval<const std::vector<double>&>(), std::declval<const std::vector<double>&>())) T has a member function std::vector<double> backward(const std::vector<double>& expectedOutputs, const std::vector<double>& outputs) noexcept.
template<class T>
using has_empty_operator_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().()) T has a member function std::pair<std::vector<double>&, std::vector<double>&> operator()() noexcept.
template<class T>
using has_size_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().size()) T has a member function std::size_t size() noexcept.
template<class T>
using has_get_batch_size_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().getBatchSize()) T has a member function std::size_t getBatchSize() noexcept.
template<class T>
using has_shuffle_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().shuffle()) T has a member function void shuffle() noexcept.
template<class T>
constexpr bool serializable_v = estd::is_detected<serializable_t, T>::value
template<class T>
constexpr bool serializable_constructible_v = estd::is_detected<serializable_constructible_t, T>::value
template<class T>
constexpr bool get_species_id_v = estd::is_detected<get_species_id_t, T>::value
template<class T>
constexpr bool set_species_id_v = estd::is_detected<set_species_id_t, T>::value
template<class T>
constexpr bool set_fitness_v = estd::is_detected<set_fitness_t, T>::value
template<class T>
constexpr bool get_fitness_v = estd::is_detected<get_fitness_t, T>::value
template<class T>
constexpr bool distance_v = estd::is_detected<distance_t, T>::value
template<class T>
constexpr bool reproduce_v = estd::is_detected<reproduce_t, T>::value
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool is_speciable_v = is_speciable<T>::value
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool is_populable_v = is_populable<T>::value
template<class T, class C>
constexpr bool serializable_constructible_with_param_v = estd::is_detected<serializable_constructible_with_param_t, T, C>::value
template<class T>
constexpr bool optimizer_algo_v = estd::is_detected<optimizer_algo_t, T>::value
template<class T, class C>
static constexpr bool is_an_optimizer_algorithm_v = is_an_optimizer_algorithm<T, C>::value
template<class T>
constexpr bool scheduler_algo_v = estd::is_detected<scheduler_algo_t, T>::value
template<class T>
static constexpr bool is_a_scheduler_algorithm_v = is_a_scheduler_algorithm<T>::value
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_forward_v = estd::is_detected<has_forward_t, T>::value
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_backward_v = estd::is_detected<has_backward_t, T>::value
template<class T>
static constexpr bool is_a_loss_v = has_forward_v<T> && has_backward_v<T> T is a loss algorithm.
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_empty_operator_v = estd::is_detected<has_empty_operator_t, T>::value
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_size_v = estd::is_detected<has_size_t, T>::value
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_get_batch_size_v = estd::is_detected<has_get_batch_size_t, T>::value
template<class T>
static constexpr bool has_shuffle_v = estd::is_detected<has_shuffle_t, T>::value
template<class T>
static constexpr bool is_a_dataset_v = has_empty_operator_v<T> && has_size_v<T> && has_get_batch_size_v<T> && has_shuffle_v<T>
template<class T>
struct is_speciable - #include <TypeUtils.hpp>
T requires to have these functions:
T has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept; T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object); T has a member function double getFitness() const noexcept; T has a member function void setFitness(double) noexcept;
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_v<T> && get_fitness_v<T> && set_fitness_v<T>
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_v<T> && get_fitness_v<T> && set_fitness_v<T>
template<class T>
struct is_populable - #include <TypeUtils.hpp>
T is required to have these functions:
T has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept; T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object); T has a member function double getFitness() const noexcept; T has a member function void setFitness(double) noexcept; T has a member function void setSpeciesID(std::size_t) noexcept; T has a member function std::size_t getSpeciesID() const noexcept; T has a member function void setID(std::size_t) noexcept; T has a member function std::size_t getID() const noexcept; T has a static double T::distance(const T&, const T&, double, double, double) noexcept; T has a static T T::reproduce(const T&, const T&) noexcept;
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool value = is_speciable<T>::value && get_species_id_v<T> && get_id_v<T> && set_species_id_v<T> && set_id_v<T> && distance_v<T> && reproduce_v<T>
static constexpr bool value = is_speciable<T>::value && get_species_id_v<T> && get_id_v<T> && set_species_id_v<T> && set_id_v<T> && distance_v<T> && reproduce_v<T>
template<class T, class C>
struct is_an_optimizer_algorithm - #include <TypeUtils.hpp>
T is required to have these functions:
T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object, NeuralNetwork*); T has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept; T has a T::operator()(double, std::size_t) const noexcept;
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_with_param_v<T, C> && optimizer_algo_v<T>
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_with_param_v<T, C> && optimizer_algo_v<T>
template<class T>
struct is_a_scheduler_algorithm - #include <TypeUtils.hpp>
T is required to have these functions:
T has a constructor T::T(JsonBox::Object); T has a member function JsonBox::Value toJson() const noexcept; T has a T::operator()(double, std::size_t) const noexcept;
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_v<T> && scheduler_algo_v<T>
static constexpr bool value = serializable_v<T> && serializable_constructible_v<T> && scheduler_algo_v<T>
template<class T>