
In this example we will train a number classifier.


we will create a Dataset to generate the data and labels, NumberClassDataset will need to fulfill meta::is_a_dataset_v<NumberClassDataset> which just asserts that NumberClassDataset is a Dataset

struct NumberClassDataset{
    NumberClassDataset(std::size_t samples, std::size_t batchSize)
    : m_index(0)
    , m_samples(samples)
    , m_batchSize(batchSize)
    , m_dataset(make_dataset(samples)){}
    std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>>> make_dataset(std::size_t samples) noexcept{
        // full code at the bottom
    const std::pair<std::vector<double>&, std::vector<double>&> operator()() noexcept{
        auto i = m_index;
        m_index = (m_index + 1) % m_samples;
        return std::make_pair(std::ref(m_dataset[i].first), std::ref(m_dataset[i].second));
    std::size_t size() const noexcept{
        return (m_dataset.size() + m_batchSize - 1) / m_batchSize;
    std::size_t getBatchSize() const noexcept{
        return m_batchSize;
    void shuffle() noexcept{
        auto g = EvoAI::randomGen().getEngine();
        std::uniform_int_distribution ud(0, static_cast<int>(m_dataset.size() - 1));
        for(auto i=0u;i<m_dataset.size();++i){
            auto index1 = ud(g);
            auto index2 = ud(g);
            std::swap(m_dataset[index1], m_dataset[index2]);
    // data
    mutable std::size_t m_index;
    std::size_t m_samples;
    std::size_t m_batchSize;
    std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>>> m_dataset;

testNN function#

This function will be passed to nn->train to check how well is doing with the test DataSet

std::pair<double, double> testNN(NeuralNetwork& nn, DataLoader<NumberClassDataset>& ds) noexcept{
    double error = 0.0;
    double totalLoss = 0.0;
    for(auto i=0u;i<ds.size();++i){
        for(auto j=0u;j<ds.getBatchSize();++j){
            auto [inputs, expectedOutputs] = ds();
            auto outputs = nn.forward(inputs);
            totalLoss += Loss::MultiClassCrossEntropy{}(expectedOutputs,outputs);
            auto pred = Argmax(outputs);
            if(pred != Argmax(expectedOutputs)){
                error += 1.0;
            auto isCorrect = pred == Argmax(expectedOutputs) ? "v/":"X";
            std::cout << "input -> " << inputs[0] << " :: " << (pred+1) <<" = " << (Argmax(expectedOutputs)+1) <<"\t" << isCorrect << "\n";
    auto avgLoss = totalLoss / (ds.size() * ds.getBatchSize());
    error /= (ds.size() * ds.getBatchSize());
    error *= 100;
    std::cout << " error: " << error  << "% " << "accuracy: " << (100.0 - error)  << "%" << std::endl;
    std::cout << " avgLoss: " << avgLoss << std::endl;
    return std::make_pair(avgLoss, 100.0 - error);


In the main function we will call createFeedForwardNN to make a NeuralNetwork then call UniformInit that will initialize the weights of the NeuralNetwork and then set the actiovations for each layer.

We will generate the data (100 random numbers between 1 and 3), show an initial inference, configure the Optimizer and then call NeuralNetwork::train

int main(){
    auto nn = EvoAI::createFeedForwardNN(1,2,{6, 6},3, 1.0);
    std::cout << "before Training:"<< std::endl;
    auto batchSize = 10u;
    EvoAI::DataLoader<EvoAI::NumberClassDataset> trainingData(EvoAI::NumberClassDataset(100, batchSize));
    EvoAI::DataLoader<EvoAI::NumberClassDataset> testingData(EvoAI::NumberClassDataset(10, batchSize));
    testNN(*nn, testingData);
    EvoAI::Optimizer optim(0.1, batchSize, EvoAI::SGD(nn->getParameters(), 0.0), EvoAI::Scheduler(EvoAI::MultiStepLR({25}, 0.1)));
    EvoAI::writeMultiPlot("NumbersClassLossPlot.txt", {"epochAvgLoss", "testAvgLoss", "accuracy"},
                    nn->train(trainingData, testingData, optim, 100, EvoAI::Loss::MultiClassCrossEntropy{}, &EvoAI::testNN));
    std::cout << "after Training:"<< std::endl;
    testNN(*nn, testingData);
    return 0;

the full code is here